2: "I'm sorry, was I not loud enough for you?"

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"Open the truck Rem." I drag my suitcase to the back of the car and toss it inside.

Getting inside the car, my ears are greeted by the beautiful sound of Kade's amazing guitar riffs. I turn up the volume and hum along to the song all while poking and making seductive faces at Remi.

"Excited much?" Remi swats my hand away and starts to back out of my driveway.

"You know it! I'm all types of hyped for this concert. I get to see my baby in action." I squeal and instantly get lost in thought about my gorgeous Kade.

When we get married, I'll make sure he sings a song he wrote for me. I'll get to be with him every day, see his sleeping face, and then at night I get to have all of him to myself! I would love to just-

"Levi!" Remi yells, making me jump.

"What?! You interrupted my sparkling future!"

"You know you were talking out loud again right? You should get out that habit. People that don't know you like me will get creeped out by your weirdness," she says while laughing.

"Yeah yeah, all that matters is that you love my creepy weirdness," I say batting my perfectly mascara full eyelashes at her.

Remi just shakes her head at me and turns to get on the highway.

I get comfortable in my seat and I couldn't help but think about how much work I'm missing at school. I'm gonna have to make up so much, but at least I didn't have any tests today. I told my parents that Remi was going to pick me up from school today and we were going to head out to New York with her parents. I feel really bad about lying to them, but I had to. When Remi told me she won two tickets AND backstage passes I couldn't say no. My mind was telling me no, but my body was telling me yes. I went with my body. We even went the extra mile and booked a hotel for the weekend.

To the Moon and Back by Chasing Stars is soon replayed by The Sound by The 1975 and has me and Remi singing to the top of our lungs.

"WELL I KNOW WHEN YOU'RE AROUND CAUSE I KNOW THE SOUND, I KNOW THE SOUND OF YOUR HEART!" I scream along to the song with Remi. We didn't fail to receive weird looks by other drivers. Of course I creeped them out and made some laugh by making weird seductive faces to them.

2 and a half hours later, we're finally in Columbus and Remi parks the car in a parking garage across the street from the concert hall. Standing across the street, we can see a few people already in line.

"Seems like we're not the only ones excited for this concert. There's already about 14 people in line and the concert doesn't even start until 8. That's dedication." Remi says to me as she loops her arm with mine and pulls me across the street.

'Chill Rem, the line isn't going anywhere," I roll my eyes at her.

Standing in line had to be the most annoying thing ever. It was hot outside, but also looked as if it would rain. And it did! On and off. That's Ohio for ya. Even though the weather was pissing me off, I didn't care. Rain or shine, I'm still gonna see my Kade dazzle everyone with his amazing guitar and golden voice.

My thoughts were interrupted by Remi shaking me.

"Remi what the hell? Every time I think of my husband you-"

"Levi look. Isn't that Kia?" Remi says cutting me off.

I look in the direction she's looking. "Yeah it is." Kia's with the Fakes talking to some of her friends in the front of the line. What is she doing? Is she?

'Is she doing what I think she's doing?" Remi questions voicing what I was thinking.

Kia sits down next to her friends in line and has me and Remi gawking at each other. That bitch just cut the line! Why is she even here? She doesn't even like Chasing Stars!

I wasn't having it. I walked up to the front of the line and stood in front of Kia and the Fakes. She looks up at me with a disgusted look plastered on her face.

"Can I help you?" She says raising a brow at me.

"Yeah, you and the Fakes can get the hell up and go to the back of the line," I was beyond mad. It was completely disrespectful to all the other people who have been waiting in this line for a long time.

She stood up. "Excuse me?"

"I'm sorry, was I not loud enough for you? I'll tell you again. Go to the back of the line!" I yelled loud enough for her stupid ears to hear.

"Who the hell are you to tell-"

"I'm a person who has been waiting in this line patiently to see Chasing Stars as well as everyone else." I cut her off. "Now you can either go to the back of the line or you will have not just one, but several problems." I pointed behind me referring to everyone in line.

Kia stared me down and I swear if it wasn't for security coming out the building to see what was happening, she would've tried to pounce on me. I wish she would. She signaled to her followers to get up and they made their way to the back of the line. Good choice.

No one gets in the way of me seeing my favorite band.



Hey guys! I just wanted to say thank you to the people that have given me feedback, it really means a lot. I would still really love to know what you all think, so yes feedback is still greatly appreciated. I'm pretty set on posting a new chapter twice a week.

I hope you enjoy this new chapter and the song I added.

Don't forget to vote! :)

~Stay majestic~

Chasing StarsTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon