1- Cram School?

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It's a new year at a new school. I was very excited because I've always loved making new friends. I never made many but when I would, it made me feel lucky.

I walk into True Cross Academy. It looked amazing, I instantly knew that I would love this place.

I needed to find the administration office to get my schedule, I saw a little white dog run passed me. I saw something shiny, hanging from the dogs collar.

It looked like a key. I ran after the dog because I'm sure someone would be looking for him... Or her.

The dog took me all the way out to the front of the school, where nobody was around.

I don't see the dog anywhere.

I hear a voice and look up, startled to see a man with purple hair standing on the fence.

"You're Y/N L/N right?" The strange man asks while pulling his necklace off.

"Uh yes I am and you are?"

"Why I'm Mephisto Pheles but people know me as Johann Faust V, the principle of this academy."

"Woah you're Mr.Faust? It's a pleasure to meet you." I said, bowing right after.

"Please, call me Mephisto. I read your résumé and was instantly interested in what you'll be able to accomplish here. But I do have one question for you. Why do you want to become an exorcist?"

"I... Uh.. I don't think I put that on my résumé. How do you know about that?"

"Well I'm the principle, I know everything."

I saw a smirk creep up on Mephisto's face, I knew something was up but I decided to drop it.

"Here" Mephisto says, throwing a key at me.

I caught it.

"What is this for?" I asked.

I was examining the key and then I remembered that the white dog had a key just like this one, hanging from its collar.

I was a bit suspicious.

"This key is able to open up any door in this academy. I'm giving it to you because I want you to go to cram school. There is this secret door that can only be opened with a key like that one. Hand picked students have it. When I say "hand picked" I mean, students who want to become great exorcists. I'm sure you'll make lots of friends."

I nod my head in agreement.

"Oh also Y/N, cram school is top secret. Nobody else in this school knows about it except for the students attending. I'll show you the way to the class and after your lesson I'll show you to your dorm room."

Mephisto suddenly turned into a dog, the very same dog I saw before.

"Waa.. Why did you turn into a dog? No.. How did you turn into a dog?" I asked a bit freaked out.

"I can't be seen walking around campus so I transform into a beautiful white dog, is their a problem with that?"

" N..No sir, not at all."

"Good, now follow me."

I followed Mephisto all the way to the room. Once we reached it he told me that I'll see him after class, then he took off.

I took a deep breath and shook my hands out before opening the door. I shoved my key into my pocket and turned the door knob.

Walking into the room I see not very many students. Maybe about 6 students, no... 7 counting the guy who's actually teaching the class. He looked about my age so I wonder how he's able to be teaching this class.

I walk to the front of the classroom and told the teacher man that I was new. He introduced himself to me as did I.

His name was Yukio Okumura.

I turned to face the class. I scanned the room.

I saw a purple haired girl sitting alone, a blonde girl sitting next to a blue hair guy who was sleeping, and then in the back was a salmon hair guy along with a baldy and a brown haired, tough looking guy with a blonde strip going down his head.

They all seem friendly but I still decided to sit in the back, away from everyone.

Mr.Okumura had to constantly wake up the kid with the blue hair.

The guy with the blue hair was really cute. I wonder if we'll ever become friends.

Blue Exorcist (Rin X Reader)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang