8- Was it you?

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The sun coming through my window made my eyes squint.

Still not opening my eyes, I feel my head on something warm, soft, and comfy.

I was still half asleep.

Is this a person? The rise and fall of their chest and the sound of their breathing soothes my ears.

I shove my face into it more and caressed it with my hand.

I finally opened my eyes and shot right up.

I slowly turn my head to look at Rin and he was wide awake, just staring at me.

*clears throat* "Why didn't you wake me?"

"You just looked so peaceful sleeping on my chest. I didn't want to disturb you."

My cheeks grew pink and I got up to change into my uniform.

It was time for Yukio's class now.

We were gonna learn some battling techniques under the rank we want. Since I have a sword I'm in the knight category. Some are tamers and the others are Aria's.

Rin and I are the only ones with swords so we're paired together.

Shiemi was with Izumo and Bon was with Shima and Miwa.

After we practice with our partners we will all be battling together.

It seemed like fun.

Since I can't open my sword I'm going to be using an old metal one.

I might just try out my sword during the big battle to see if I'm ready so I'll have it with me.

Everyone was practicing.

I heard bible verses being said and see some bright colors glowing over by Izumo and Shiemi. Their familiars appeared.

"Okay Y/N ready to be beat by me?" Rin says.

"We're on the same team, but if it's a challenge you want then it's a challenge you'll get...... Wait, why aren't you using your sword?"

"Oh um Yukio doesn't want me breaking it during practice so I'm gonna use this one."

"Hmm.... Good! then you're not at an advantage. Your sword is just as crummy and old as mine."

I sprint at Rin and he blocked my hit. I jump back as he tried swiping at me.

We both run at each other this time and jumped into the air.

Our swords hit so hard that I flung backwards and landed rolling on my side.

Rin runs up to me.

"Y/N are you okay?"

I quickly shoved my sword between Rins arm and his torso.

"I could've easily killed you right there." I giggled.

"Alright everyone, I think you've gotten enough practice. Now it's time to fight each other. Since we have an odd number of students I will be joining you." Yukio says.

We all line up.

4 on each side.

Shiemi stood infront of me. That means she's my opponent in this battle.

Rin would be fighting Bon.

Izumo is fighting Shima and Miwa is fighting Yukio.

Yukio counted from 3.

*Gun shot*

I hear everybody moving.

I look at Shiemi and she looked evil. She must really hate me.

I ready my sword and charge at her.

She holds up a piece of paper and calls for her familiar.

He was a tiny greenman.

I giggled at it.

"What's so funny?" Shiemi spat

"Oh nothing, that guy is just so cute. It'll be easy to beat it."

"That's just his disguise. His true form is too scary, you wouldn't be able to handle it."

"Hmm try me"

I charge at Shiemi's familiar and he grew a big vine dome around me.

I was able to see through the small gaps. Everyone else was still fighting, paying no attention to us.

I use the sword and cut the vines.

I run after her.

I swing the sword and her familiar jumped in front of her. My blade went straight through the little guy, cutting him in half.

"That's not going to kill him." Shiemi smirked.

A big dark figure came out of her familiar.

It had details of leaves and vines all over it.

My eyes widened and I was taking steps back.

The memories of last night flashed into my head.

I fall to the ground screaming in pain because all of my wounds had shown back up.

"So it was you last night. You're the one who attacked me." I screamed.

"I don't know what you're talking about."

Everyone ran towards us and Shiemi's demon thing went back into its little form.

My wounds disappeared again!

"Shiemi what happened here?" Yukio asked

"She's a horrible person. Rin, Shiemi was the one responsible for last night." I said.

"Y/N I wouldn't accuse someone of doing such cruel actions." Rin says.

"But it's true Rin. What, do you not believe me? Do all of you not believe me?"

Most of them kept their eyes off of me.

"Oh I see."

I managed to get up.

"I'll just go."

"Y/N, wait." Rin says.

"No, it's fine. Continue your training you'll need the practice."

Blue Exorcist (Rin X Reader)Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat