"There were a term you said that we do not understand. What do you mean by hunger?" She looks shocked then she sips her tea.

"Hunger is who you take into your bed. Hunger is something a vampire can never change about themselves. So what is your hunger men or women?" We both look at each other.

"Women." We both say in a rather hushed tone. This may be something that be offensive to vampire culture as well as human. Lady Lucy smirks.

"No fear ladies. It is very common for vampires to hunger for the same sex. You will find the vampire way of life much more liberal than humans. Now tell me the rest." Before I could speak Saryia speaks for us. I suppose she could see that I was already a bit flustered.

"We are from Salem in the Americas. They killed us there and we awoke as vampires. Apologies but what do mean of preference?"

"Do you enjoy wearing dresses or trousers? Do you want to learn or blend in with other human women?"

"We may learn more than to read?" I say. I never thought we could receive a formal education. Lucy giggles.

"Oh yes you may learn much more. Vampires are much more advanced than humans. I myself have much education. Just tell me what you wish to know and I shall fetch the teacher." Saryia looks at me with excitement within her eyes.

"For myself trousers, I wish to learn more of medicine and anatomy of other species along with humans."

"As for me." Saryia says, "Trousers I wish to learn of business, and blood types... I would also learn of war tactics... Along with politics." Lucy nods her head. War tactics? Politics? Then again she said we would be part of the Royal Coven someday. What her cause might be, I know it be only for our good. We continue to talk with Lucy. Exous joins us for supper. Our supper were grand with fresh blood and hot food. I hath not had a supper as such in a long time.

"If I may ask you ma'am, why are you not part of the main coven here?" Lucy takes a sip of her blood.

"How many families do you know of that are rich that live in the same house? For hunters it be easy to pick us out. Although there be strength in numbers the best way for a vampire to live in this changing world is to blend into the human populace. The better we blend, the longer we shall live." Exous nods.

"It were father's idea to do so, but if any incident were to ever happen we shall return to the main coven. I know Lady Elaine will allow us." Lucy chuckles.

"She be your Godmother for a reason my dear." He nods. We continue our pleasant supper then we go to bed. After a hot bath I prepare for bed. For the first time in a year I do not sleep in a dress. I have night clothing and a grand bed. Saryia is in the room next to mine. It be odd not having her in my bed, but I suppose I must get used to the idea. I hear footsteps come to my door. Seconds later one of the servant girls comes in. In her hand she has rum and she only wears her night clothing.

"Excuse me my lady. I have come to amuse you." I sit up and study the girl.

"Amuse me?" She nods.

"The Lady of the house instructed me to come to you tonight and any other night you wish." Lady Lucy told her to come to me? I smirk to myself. Saryia must hath told her to bring the rum... Do I dare touch her? What of Saryia... What of Mercy? Do I take another woman into my bed when the one who has embraced me as such for so many years is only a room away? I stand up and look again at this young girl. She be no more than 16... Then again many her age be with husband and child.

"Wait here for a moment. I will not take long."

"Yes, my lady." I leave the room and go to Saryia's. Just as I were about to knock she opens the door. A girl sits on her bed as well.

"You came to talk to me as well?" I nod. She closes the door then leans against it. We give one another the same look.

"Himmel..." She takes my hands in hers, "Listen well to me... I know nothing of our new social group, but I understand enough to know that you and I laying with each other must come to an end." I nod. I knew it were only a matter of time.

"Aye but. . . What of Mercy?" Saryia sighs deeply then gives me a hard look.

"Mercy is not here. Go on. Enjoy the girl and the rum." She giggles.

"I knew it were you." We both laugh and she kisses my cheek.

"Go on. I love you." I smile at her.

"I love you." Then I return to my room. This is against my vows, but Mercy has dishonored our vows as well. Without a word I come to the girl and take the rum from her hands. She looks up at me and I smirk.

"Only tell me if I am too rough with thee. Will you be honest with me?" She nods as I drink from the bottle. She rises from the bed and begins to kiss my neck. I groan then press my lips on hers.

"Tell me your name." She begins to take off her night clothing.

"Sara. . . My name is Sara." I begin to kiss her again then slowly push her back to the bed. It be odd not having Saryia, but a new experience with this girl. What is marriage in my new life? Does it truly mean anything? I am not well enough educated to know the answer. As I continue to take this girl I begin to think that binding oneself to one person over an immortal life span might be pointless. I am no expert for my wife left me only weeks into our immortal marriage, or so it seems. The pain I experience from this mental anguish will be dulled as much as possible. I only hope that I will find a permanent solution to this pain.

Origins(GirlxGirl)(Forth Book of The Master's Pet)Where stories live. Discover now