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Danny's P.O.V

I groaned and heard my name being called. I sat up, feeling very light like I "Oh..." yep, I'm in water.... "Whaaaa...?" I drawled, looking at my surroundings. I'm in a tank! I began to panic and swim around, looking for the source of my name being called. When I found the source, I saw Sam, Tucker and Jazz in a cell, looking at me worriedly.

There was a bang on the glass and a man stood in front of me on the outside. "Feeding time." He said and walked away. I watched curiously as he walked away and suddenly, fish started swimming around the tank. Some instinct kicked in and I swam and hunted the fish. 

One was staying at the glass, seeming to watch my friends and sister. I swam closer and banged on the glass with my hands and tail while taking the fish into my mouth. I glanced at the others and saw their shocked expressions. I slowly backed away from the glass and ate the fish. Another GIW agent came by and shouted, "No banging on the glass!" I glared and bared my teeth, hissing dangerously at him. 

He scoffed and walked away with a smirk. The next thing I knew, there were 2 electric eels coming at me. They cornered me up to the glass and I heard Jazz call my name worriedly. I looked at her and licked my lips, hissing out the words "Desert time~" I smacked the eels and sunk my fangs into one, killing it and doing the same to the other. 

The water began to turn slightly red and my eyes glowed brighter. "I looked back to Sam and the others. She seemed to notice my brighter eyes. "Danny please, snap out of it!" she yelled. Then, my fin-like ears picked up voices at the top of the tank. I tilted my head up and shot up in that direction, flying out of the tank and landing in the space between the tank and the other's cell.

"Danny!" they shouted. I opened my eyes and sat up. "Get him!" some agents yelled and ran towards me. I tried to move but found out my tail fin was cut and was bleeding. I turned intangible and went back into the tank. The men smirked and some others put a lid onto the tank and a shield thing on the outside of the tank. The men walked away and I began to sulk at the thought of being captured and being injured.

I began to silently cry but no one could tell because I am in water, therefore tears can not be seen in water.

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