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Marie's POV

The next morning, I woke up and headed for the shower. I scrubbed my hair with some Herbal Essences shampoo and conditioner, used some foaming body scrub that smelled like heaven and quickly shaved. 

I let my hair dry in its natural curls and didn't bother with any makeup. I really didn't care about impressing the new kid. I doubted he'd give much of a shit about me. Probably wouldn't even remember who I was after I had given him the tour. 

I got to the bottom of the stairs and noticed my mom in the kitchen. She was a pack nurse who was always working long hours and picking up shifts. Dad was a criminal defense lawyer in the city so he rarely worked in town so he was never home. We were your typical rich family, parents never home, nerdy girl, popular brother. Except for the fact we were werewolves. 

"Oh, by the way, were having guests for dinner, so I expect you to be presentable." She informed.

"Who is it?" I inquired, involuntarily arching my eyebrows together. 

"Some friends of ours from high school, they just moved here. Gotta go! Bye dear, love you!" She rushed out the door, with a quick kiss on the cheek and almost dropped her stethoscope on the way out. 

"Love you too mom!" After I finished my amazing lucky charms, I left for school in my little Ford Fusion. 

After I arrived at school, I parked my car, and headed straight for the main office. Once there, I was shocked at what I saw. The boy, or should I say young man, standing in front of me definitely wasn't the nerd I was expecting. 

Instead he was very handsome, maybe even sexy. His brown hair was quiffed up, making him seem taller, and his blueish-green eyes stood out. His plaid shirt and jeans were simple, yet defined his muscular torso, and bulging arms. He was muscular, but not the gross muscular. His smile was gorgeous too. He had one dimple, and pearly white teeth. I was to busy gawking to realize his lips were moving.

"Hello? You okay there?" He smirked, and chuckled.

"Um, yeah. Sorry, I'm Marie West! What's your name?"

"I'm Tyler Parker, nice to meet you." His hand reached out to shake mine, and I gladly accepted, but I couldn't help but notice the little sparks that flew through my body. That's what happens  I wasn't supposed to find my mate till I was eighteen. So what the fuck was that? 

By the way, my school is entirely made up werewolves. 

He had obviously felt the sparks too because we made eye contact and silence ensued behind us. I guess we both forgot we were in a school office because the slutty human secretary coughed, insinuating that we should leave or stop being awkward. She then handed Tyler the map of the school and his class schedule. She winked and proceeded to accidentally let a huge amount of boobs fall out. 

"She could have been your mother!" I stated in between laughs. 

"I know!" He said in between laughs as well. I had a feeling this day was going to be awesome.


"Marie!" Cole boomed. "Why have you been ignoring my texts?" Tyler wasn't here, he was in the bathroom and I was outside waiting for him.

"I uhh, my uhh phonn-ne's in my locker." I stuttered, he intimidated me so easily. 

"Why are you outside the men's washroom? Who are you waiting for? Cause you belong to me, and you know that." He whispered, leaning closer into my body. 

"The new boo-oyy, I'm showw-ing him around." I hiccuped.

Just then my knight in shining armour came out of the washroom. Smiling those pearly whites but they disappeared once his eyes landed on Cole. 

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