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The clouds that had shed the world dark were now slowly floating away. The night had regained its serenity . Baby steps, dawn was slowly breaking and the light finally began to rise. I looked around. I saw my orchids, my piano, my room, my bed and me.

A familiar face opened the door and she crept in slightly. " Can I come in?", she says slowly with a clear hesitation in her eyes. " Yes" I say and continue with my hour long talk with the sky and the rainbow. She made my bed and had me seated on my couch. She tied my hair up and began brushing it. "Ah", I screamed. Sorry she said and began to brush my teeth and do my clothes.

I looked at my arms and began to swing it around. Wow! I moved it harder and harder and suddenly my eyes went to a big teddy bear. I hugged it and played with it. I saw my Barbie doll and danced in excitement. I want to have chocolates. I cried. I cried and cried but there was no one around.

I slept.

The girl 'she':

Hi I am Maria. Yes, the one creeping slightly and doing her hair and clothes. I am Maria and she is my sister Marisa. She is my princess. Since Mom and dad left, she is the only one for me as I am to her. You noticed her slightly different, didn't you? Well, she has got Agnosia. Agnosia is a neurological disorder in which a person loses her capacity to recognize speech, objects, people. It is not a significant memory loss but she feels herself to be a different person in different situations. It had happened a year ago when she fell of her bike while participating in a bike climbing race in the hills of India. Immediately, she was brought here to Austria and since then, she hasn't even called me sister once.

She knows that she has a sister and its me, but every morning she says " Come in" with the same angry voice. Mom and dad left us alone 5 years back leaving their small beach house ( where we are living), a large farm in the country side and a small restaurant on the capital. I was just 18 then and Marisa 15. I decided to quit study and be the legacy of ' The Kofak Resturant.'

Everything was going fine. Marisa had joined college and the restaurant was running pretty well when one last summer she asked me to go to India for visit. Her many friends were going. I too let her go.

The Last day she had cried to me at the airport" I love you Mari. I will miss you. I love u my sister."

"Bye Daarling. Take care ", I said ; stopping the downpour that had asked for its exit with my eyes. I smiled and pulled her into a hug. Then after a week I hear she has had an accident. I broke down. She underwent a surgery. Finally after two days, she opened her eyes. She saw me but didn't talk. "She can talk, right? " , I looked at the doctors.

Then she said" Maria. My sister. Where is she?"......

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