Chapter 20: June's Crush

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"June it was wonderful dancing with Josh!" I say, imagining it happen again. "Did you he used to dance?" June asks.

Still dancing down the hallway, I answer, "Yeah. His Mom taught him all he knows. I wonder if his Dad dances too?"

"I mean, if his Mom dances why wouldn't his Dad? Makes sense that they would." June responds. I open my eyes and Josh is actually here, walking towards us, and Isaiah is with him. "OMG! Zoe, it's the guy from my Geometry class!" June says high pitched, shaking my arm.

Before I started dating Josh, June's been crushing on this guy in her Geometry class. Apparently he 'always wears a hood and he always cute' June would explain to me. I always wanted to meet him and I asked about him, but all she knew was that he would always ask for help and would always go to her. I probably should of guessed by the grey hood it was Isaiah.

"Isaiah's the one who always asks you to help him. The one that you have a crush on? That Isaiah, walking to us?" I ask. She shakes her head yes a bajillion times.

I wonder if Isaiah likes her, I can never tell with that smirk always on his face. "Hey Zoe! Nice to see ya again! Been awhile." Isaiah says to me. "Nice to see you too." "Wait- you too know each other?" June asks us shockingly. "Um ... Yeah." Isaiah answers. June looks at me then Isaiah, and then starts to blush slightly. I wink at her before stating, "You know Isaiah, June has quite the crush on you in Geometry."

"Zoe!" June says, turning brighter red. Isaiah smirks bigger. "Oh really, does she like me outside of class too?" He asks, acting like June isn't there.

"I don't know, ask her." I pass it over to June. Isaiah slides his hands into his hoodie pockets and looks at June. "So tutor, do you like me out of class?" He asks again. June takes a few steps closer to him. "Yes ... I do." She giggles out.

"Well then, would you like to go to the dance with me?" He asks, walking closer to her. June, now happy as ever, answers, "Of course."

He takes his hands out of his pockets and holds both of June's hands. "I knew you had a thing for Zoe's friend." Josh predicted. "How could you not dude! She's smart, pretty, knows how to make terrible math jokes." Isaiah points out. "I thought you liked them?" June asks offended. "I do because they're so terribly funny!" Isaiah laughs.

They both start laughing about decimal places and fives while me and Josh slowly get away from that. "Well they're perfect for each other." I state. "Definitely. So, I originally came to ask you what we're going to be wearing tonight at the ball?" He moves on. Oh right! I was supposed to pick out what I'm wearing. I don't want to wear my Mom's old dress and look cheap, so what can I wear?

Ah-ha! I have a beautiful light blue one that goes down to my ankles. I get out my phone and find the picture I took of me wearing it from a quince-area last year. "How does that look?" I show Josh the picture.

He smiles looking at the picture. "Absolutely beautiful. Where'd you get it from, Cinderella's closet?" He jokes. I nudge him in the arm. "Maybe. Anyway, do you have something to match it with?" I ask. He pulls out his own phone and starts looking through pictures. "Well I was looking through my dress clothes and found this." I see a picture of a dark blue button up shirt, grey jacket and pants, and a light blue tie.

I grab his phone and hold it up next to my phone to determine if they look good together. Josh rests his head on my right shoulder and comments, "I think we look like a model couple."

"Shut up." I joke. "No really, I have the muscles and you have the boobs. Together we look hot!" He states. I can't help but start giggling. "Fine fine, we can wear these to the dance tonight." I catch my breath. We walk back to where we left Isaiah and June. Of course they're still laughing about math jokes.

"Come on guys, we gotta head to lunch!" Josh exclaims. "Yeah! Terrible lunch food!" Isaiah yells through the hallways. We all burst out laughing walking to the cafeteria, which holds terrible food.

Hey everybody! I know I've been slacking on the writing recently and it's because of the weather down here in Texas. I've been helping move our stuff and trying to also enjoy this first week of summer ... And it's been chaotic. Hope y'all understand and, Enjoy Every Book You Ever Read!

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