Chapter 9: Realization

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"When is this traffic going to end?!?" I yell in rage. I've been sitting in this dang car for twenty minutes! I'll walk home if this jam doesn't end soon!

"Woah Calm Down! Seems you have a short temper, huh?" He asks. I look at him, then look at the dashboard. I take a breath. Ok ... I'm good now. "Thanks, that anger wasn't me. I mean it was, but it's only when I'm frustrated."

"So you have anger issues?" He asks. "What?! No!" I stop. I don't have anger issues, but I do have ... other problems.

We both pay attention to the cars ahead and see we'll be driving for awhile. I sit back in my chair and stare blankly ahead in boredom. After a while, my eyes want to close, and I let them. I enjoy the dark until I fall asleep.





I shut my alarm clock off. I yawn and water fills my eyes. I rub my eyes and sit up.

Wait ... Why am I in my room? Wasn't I in Josh's car? Did I fall asleep? I rush downstairs, in the same clothes I was wearing yesterday. My parents, of course are awake, making what smells like pancakes and scrambled eggs.

Mmmmmm, that's my FAVORITE breakfast meal. If anybody wants to take my breakfast from me, then get ready for a fight.

"Hey look who's up; want some of your favorite?" Mom asks, placing pancakes on a plate for me. "You better believe I want some!" I run to the table and watch as my Mom adds eggs and maple syrup.

I immediately start chomping down my food. In less than a minute, my plate is spotless. "May I have more please?" I ask eagerly. My Dad, who just sat down to eat himself, nods yes. I get up and get some more breakfast.

I return to my seat, and my mind drifts back to me questioning what happened yesterday. I twirl some eggs around on my plate and ask, "Do you guys know what happened?"

My parents look confused. "When?" My Mom asks, biting some of her pancakes. "Last night. I fell asleep I think ..."

"Oh, this boy came carrying you to our door. He told us you slept halfway before y'all got to a Italian restaurant, so he got some food to go for you. It's in the fridge." My Mom explains. I wipe some syrup off my lips and walk to the fridge.

Once the fridge is open, I see it. It's a white to-go box. I take it out and open the lid to some lasagna and spaghetti. I don't remember going here, probably because I was asleep, but ... Josh. I guess he's not as bad as I thought he was ...

Sorry for not updating this for so long! School and home is very busy right now you wouldn't understand! Anyway, I will try to post chapters when I can! Always, Enjoy Every Book You Ever Read!

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