Chapter 17: Talking it Out

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^^^Rock Bottom by Haliee Steinfield ft. DNCE. I describes what happened ... Sorta. Always, Enjoy Every Book You Ever Read!

"June I think he's going to break up with me." I say depressed. We're on the our way to school on the bus, and I just explained everything that went on, on our date.

June wraps her arms around me. "No he won't. He loves you too much to do that." June says to me.

"Not after last night he doesn't." I huff. "Zoe look-" and she lets go of me. "I'm sure y'all are perfect for each, despite fairytales not being able to exist, you and Josh are perfect for each other. Y'all just need to make up."

Make up. Of course, I should apologize for all the bad things that happened. The only question I have is, will Josh forgive me? What if he doesn't? Bye bye Cinderella story, hello loneliness.

The bus halts, and we're at school. We walk off the bus, and the first person I see is him. He's wearing a black t-shirt, blue jeans, a pair of grey Nikes, and his hair is fixed down.

I shudder in fear. He hasn't noticed me yet, maybe I can walk around our school and go through the back. I take a single step when I hear, "Zoe! Hey!"

I turn back to the front of school, and Josh of course is running my direction. I start speed walking out the way I was going. I only go a few feet, then I'm spun around and I see Josh's shirt in my face. I tilt my head up a little more and Josh's face is looking at mine.

My face by the way is almost about to cry like a baby. "Zoe, what's wrong?" I shake my head. If I can hardly see, I can't answer without crying.

He stares into my eyes, and I can tell, he's trying to see why I won't answer. He keeps his hands on my shoulders, so I can't escape him.

He Uhggggs, unable to get info out of me.

"Zoe ... I just wanted to say ..." This is it, I'm going back to a single person, I'm never going to find love again, I'm-

"I'm sorry." He apologizes.

I blink. Then I blink again to make sure I'm in the real world. "But why?" I barely speak, tears rolling down the sides if my face. He laughs weakly. "I overreacted. I shouldn't of walked away over some pancakes and you lied. I ... Carmen made me so mad. Then after that fiasco, our bad date happened- Where I'm going with this is ... I'm so sorry. I apologize 100% for making you feel bad and leaving you alone at the park."

I can't take it anymore! I fall onto his chest, crying my heart out. "I-I thought you w-were breaking up with m-me, I lied, a-and I love you!" I sob into his chest.

He wraps his arms around me, pulling me closer. He whispers into my ear, "I love you too."

I continue crying, not because I'm sad, but because I'm so happy we're still together.

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