Chapter 11

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Me and sky walked down the street.
"Sky.." I said.
"Yeah?" He looked at me.
"Is this a dream." I began to tear up a little "is this going to be like the dream, where we both wake up and everything's great again."
"I don't know for sure, avia." He wrapped his arm around my shoulder.
"Just be happy we're together right now."
"SKY! You've gotta realize we're both 13 now! Once we hit newborn, we will never see each other again!"
I began to pinch myself
"Wake up, wake up, WAKE UP GOD DAMNIT!"
"Avia!" Sky yelled as I began to bust out crying.
"I can't handle this, sky.." I looked at the wedding ring on my finger. "The rings falling off for gosh sakes!"
He grabbed my ring and slid it further down my finger until it stuck.
"I think it's perfect."
I hugged sky.
"I'm so sorry.."
I hugged him around his neck and gripped onto the sides of his jacket super hard.
He hugged me back by my waist.
"About what?"
I sighed "everything."
A/N: Sorry for no update guys, but summer is starting up on June second so I'll be posting more soon!

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