Chapter 2

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{Avias POV}
I walked into little Ada's classroom out of breath, she was almost late!
"Bye Ada." I said kissing her on the cheek and watching her walk into her classroom.
I walked outside to get into my car, realizing I had accidently left my phone in Ada's cubby.
I ran back inside to find myself in grandma Peggy's house from my dream... I saw my grandmother walking around.. Emmi as a 4 year old.. Me just getting home from the court yard..
"Avia, would you like to explain?" She said to me as I went to run into my room, which I actually just ran into a wall at the preschool..
I snapped out of it. What was my dream doing to me after it's been over 10 years?
I finally grabbed my phone and got into the car, turned the car on and drove home.
Once I got their I ran to sky and hugged him.
"What's wrong babe?" He said to me hugging me tightly.
I started to sniffle.
"I just had that dream I told you about at her school... As I was walking in I saw my grandmas house in heaven.. A-and I'm not sure why.."
He looked at me and kissed my forehead.
"Dreams are only dreams, Avia. I love you, I have to go to work.."
I nodded my head and gave him a kiss "bye babe."
He waved and walked out the door
Short chapter, I'm sorry! Just wanted to update the book.

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