Same Shit Different Day

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"I swear I'll stab your ass in your fucking sleep, Ryland. Get your ass home now!" I screamed into my phone. I was dog tired. I had been working all week. A house full of teenagers and his ass was gone.

"Man, I'll get home when I fucking come home!" He yelled and he hung up. I looked at my screen and sucked my teeth. I know this nigga didn't just hang up on me.

I sat up and stretched. My back was killing me and my feet were swollen. Being a nurse was no joke. I stood up all the time and was lifting people and bending and running all day.

My door opened and Rhenè came in. "Mommy, you okay?" I sighed and nodded. I was near tears but I blinked them away. She came and sat on the bed and hugged me. "Daddy gonna learn one day. It's gonna be too late, but, he'll learn." I looked at her curiously and she rubbed my back.

She left the room and I questioned what it was that she meant. Rhenè was a sweetheart, the complete opposite of me and her dumb fuck boy ass father. She had even gone as far as telling me I deserved better. Can you believe that? My youngest child preaching to me about her own father.

I went downstairs to get dinner started and while I was in the kitchen, Rylee rushed in. "Momma, you remember that party I asked you about?" She asked in her 'I want something' voice.
"Yes?" I replied not taking my eyes off the food.

Did you decide if I could go or not?"
"Yeah like I can go or yeah you made a decision?" She asked.
"You can't go, you're only sixteen. You can party when you turn legal." I stated.
"Momma, for real??" She whined.
She dramatically fell to the floor and grabbed onto my leg.
I sighed and looked down at her.

"Rylee, get off the floor and out of my face." She stood up and stomped off. I didn't have time for her getting pregnant and having me watching babies. I'm still young.

I kept cooking until I heard my children yelling at each other.

"GET OFF OF ME, RYLEE! MOMMA!" I heard Rhenè scream. I slammed the stove close and stomped my way up the stairs.

I was either gonna strangle them both or handcuff them together. The way I was feeling by the time I got to the top of the stairs made me wanna do both. I was winded.

I stood in the doorway and saw Rhenè in the fetal position.
''Rylee, why the hell you in here beating on your little sister? Oh my God, Rhené , look at me baby girl, you okay?" I rushed over to my most fragile child and rubbed her back. She looked at me and her glasses weren't on her face.
The books and stray papers all over the floor led me to believe Rhenè was in Rylee's room.

"Momma, she called me a hoe because I told her get off my bed. She has a whole room across the hall! You shoulda seen her, momma. Had her legs propped up and her dirty feet on my covers!" Rylee shrieked.

I pulled Rhenè to her feet and she glared at Rylee. She squinted and I grew frustrated with everything.
I walked over to Rylee and put my finger in her face. She flinched and I smirked.

"If you hit her ever again, ima hit you. Y'all family, you don't fight family. You fight those who try to hurt your family! Go sit down." I said pointing to her bed and she ran to sat down.

I went over to Rhenè and frowned. I hated when my kids fought. I didn't tolerate that shit. I guess I was a hypocrite because I was gonna kill Ryland when he got home.

"If I hear you calling your sister anything but the name I gave her, I will beat the hell out of you. Understand me?" She nodded quickly, grabbed her books and ran out the room.

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