Chapter 5: Goodbye

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Jeonghan POV

It is now 6th period, and for the entire day, a kid named Mingyu have been staring at me like a creep.

The bell rang, signaling the end of school. Immediately, I was pulled away to the back of the school and into an empty music room of school.

The person who tried to kidnap me must be in luck. Joshua went to deliver some paper to a teacher, so he was late to pack up.

"Mmmhp!!" I tried to remove the guy's hand away from my mouth, but unfortunately, can't. His grasp was too strong.

I was slammed onto the board, my back hitting the rail. I winced in pain and tried to escape once again. And here we go with the rope. He tied my hands together at the back of the chair, then my feet together.

Do ropes have a grudge against me or something? Why the fuck do I keep on being tied to something?

"Yell, and I will kill you." The guy slammed his lips onto mine. It was forceful, unlike the kisses that Joshua and I had shared.

After what seemed like a few fucking hours, he finally pulled away.

"Fucking bastard." I cursed, earning a slap.

"I hate to hurt you, especially on that beautiful face of yours, but you asked for it." He growled.

Joshua! Help me!

"Now now. Behave and I will let you live. Your boyfriend is not going to be here anytime soon." He smirked.

"I will give you two options. Wither behave, and I will let you two live. Or I will let you go, and he dies."

I can't have Jisoo die. Even if I have to risk my life.

"I will...stay here..." I said quietly as I started to weep.

(Man why do I keep on having Cheonsa nim cry)

"There's my good boy." He sneered.

"I'm not yours. I'm Joshua's." I mumbled.

Neo yeppeuda!

My phone rang. It was Joshua.

"Oh look. The boy just set himself up for trouble." Mingyu picked up.

"Jeonghan? Where are you? I've been waiting in front of the gates for hours now. Are you busy with anything? Need any help?"

"If you want your boyfriend back, come to the abandoned music room." Mingyu sneered and positioned the phone to me so that I can say something to him.

"Joshua, listen carefully. Don't come here. It's a trap. I'm fine. If anything happens, just know that I love-" I was cut off by a slap.


Joshua hung up. I could tell he was running to this room right now. If he gets in here and gets beaten up, there's no guarantee that he'll live.

"JEONGHAN!" He barged into the room and attacked Mingyu with no hesitation. "WHAT DID YOU DO TO HIM?!"

Unfortunately for Mingyu, he was left with no chance to answer. He was continued to be punched in the face and stomach.

Josh, the evil god, made sure he passed out before freeing me from the ropes.

"Did he do anything to you, love?" He asked, concerned.

"" I honestly answered.

"How dare him. It's good you're okay. Did he do anything else to you?"

"He did slap me like 3 times."

"This bish..." He went over to Mingyu and stomped on his stomach three times. "He deserved it. Let's go home. I took your bag from your class already."

And so, we walked home together, talking about food.

But little did we know what was going to happen next.

Joshua POV

"You're going back to America." My mom gritted her teeth and dragged me away from Jeonghan, who was sleeping on the couch.

"I'm not going anywhere!" I yelled.

"Yes. You are." She threw my into the car. We drove to the airport. I cried on the way there.


Jeonghan POV

I woke up, with the feeling of being left alone again.

Something was very wrong.

"Joshua...?" I thought I could surprise him when I see him in the kitchen. As I expected, he wasn't there. His phone was no where in sight too. I tried calling him. But no one picked up.

I tried again for the 89th time.

"Joshua? Where are you?"

"Jeonghan. We might not see or hear each other ever again after this call. You don't deserve someone like me. Find someone else. If you're happy, I'm happy. Don't cry about me Jeonghan. I'd be very sad if I see you cry."

"You idiot! What the hell are you saying?! Where are you?!" I was straight up sobbing now.

"There's no point in knowing. Just remember what I said earlier." He plainly said.


"Saranghae, Yoon Jeonghan."


There's no such thing as good wording in this chapter. Sorry. My brain isn't functioning properly today.

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