He would occasionally look at me and smile. I would return it, each time blushing. I thank the cold for hiding my blush.

“Sweet!” Justin exclaims the second we reach downtown. The streets are overflowing with people and booths and everyone seemed to be enjoying themselves, the cold air not being a problem. I, on the other hand, felt like my face was about to completely freeze and fall off.

“Check it,” Justin nudges me and points to the giant Christmas tree at the end of the street. “I swear, that might be the biggest tree in existence.”

“It’s beautiful.” I nod in agreement, trying to keep my teeth from chattering.

Justin looks down at me, raising an eyebrow. “You cold?”

“A little.” I admit.

He chuckles and takes my hand, leading my over to one of the stands. His hand warms mine. I almost forget we’re in the middle of a crowded street while snow falls onto our heads.

I must have not been paying attention because I’m caught off guard as Justin places something onto my head. I reach up to touch it. It was one of those Christmas beanies I see almost everyone wearing these days.

Justin nods his head in approval. “Beautiful.”

I blush. Did he call me beautiful, or the hat? I roll my eyes and reach over for a scarf. It’s dark blue and covered in snowflakes, similar to mine. I wrap it around his neck and smile, mimicking his nod.

“Perfect.” I tease.

Justin makes a face but takes out his iPhone, motioning me to stand beside him. I do and he drapes an arm around me, pulling me closer. I feel butterflies explode in my stomach as he places his face close to mine, holding his phone up in the air.

“Smile.” He tells me. We both smile and he snaps the picture. He pulls away from me and grins.

“I like it.” He says, looking and the picture. “I might just make it my new wallpaper.”

For about the fifth time today, I blush. I take the beanie off my head and put it back in its place while Justin does the same with the scarf. It’s a bummer to see him take it off. The scarf really did look good on him.

“C’mon.” Justin takes me off guard by draping an arm around me as we start walking. I bite my lip and stare at the people around me. Couples were laughing and holding hands and even kissing. I wondered what Justin and I must look like. Did we look like another couple? Or was it obvious that we were just friends? Is that what Justin was thinking when he placed his arm around me? Did he do it in a friendly way or was he giving me a hint that he wanted to be something more? I stop racking my brain with questions and turn my attention elsewhere.

“Look at all the snow that’s gathered here.” Justin speaks, breaking the silence. He removes his arm from my shoulder and reaches down, taking a big pile of snow in his hands.

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