Chapter Twenty one

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This is the last chapter, we have reached there.

The students of North Oaks High School had graduated along with me and my friends. We had also applied for different colleges and it was the time when our real life would start. But there was a bad news too. Me and Aaron were going to different colleges. Sarah Emily Andrew and Connor were going to the same college. As for Ryan and Cassandra, they were going to the same College .Aaron was going to a different college and I was going to a different one. It would be one heck of a journey.

"Can't we just don't go to college?" I asked to Aaron pouting

"No, besides don't you remember your dream of becoming anatomist?" Aaron asked

"Yeah, but how would I bear these four years without you and all the friends?" I asked

"Don't worry, you'll survive without us" Sarah joked from behind me

" It is not funny Sarah" I said glaring at her

" Sorry" Sarah said as she raised her hands up in surrender

" come on kids it's time to leave" Conner said

" shut up Conner" I said

" No I'm serious would you want to be late?" Conner asked and I shook my head furiously. We all picked our bags and went in our individual Cars. I hugged my parents and friends and pecked Aaron one last time before leaving for the college. This was it a new life was waiting for me ahead and I need to do my best to show the word and be an anatomist.

One year later

" Come on Chloe, you need to live a little all you do is study and eat, come on let's go to the party" Jennie, my roommate said. She was a very good friend but sometimes she was very annoying.

"No, Jennie. I can't come you should go, I need to clean the closet and I don't feel like partying too" I said

"Ugh fine, I'm not gonna force you but if you by any chance want to come, I'm just one call away" Jennie said as she left the dorm.

It had been an year and I haven't visited my friends or family and I decided to go and meet them this summer vacation. As for Aaron, we talked on texts and Skype but he had been so closed off this past year and curiosity killed the cat because I want to know what is happening in his life. I shook away the thought and decided to call Sarah to inform her about my visit to my parent's house these vacations.

"Hello?" He raspy voice said probably sleeping

"Hello, Sarah" I said

"Oh Chloe, how are you?" Sarah asked fully awake now

"I'm fine, how are you and everyone?" I asked her while sorting out my closet

"We all are fine but we miss you" She said as her voice saddened

"I miss y'all too" I said "So I'm thinking about visiting my parents this vacation, you all should come too" I said hopeful to get yes for the answer

"Really? I'll ask everyone then I'll text you" Sarah said, her voice quite cheerful and I said yes before hanging up

I was busy when my phone beeped indicating a message

I asked everyone and they agreed, we all should leave on next Friday- Sarah

Fine with me- Chloe

It was soon Friday and I was leaving for my old house. I hugged and bid Jennie good bye before leaving. I reached there in probably 2 hours' long and tiring journey. I rang the doorbell and Ryan opened the door. As soon as he saw he, he enveloped me in a bone crushing hug.

"Ryan, do you want to break my bones?" I asked and he let go of me

"I missed you, sista" He said

"I missed you too" I said and he pulled my luggage inside the house. Soon enough I was greeted by the welcoming hugs of Mom and Dad and Cassandra. Ryan and Cassandra arrived there a day before me. The door burst open and all my friends walked in but Aaron was not there. To say I was disappointed would be an understatement, I was hurt but a reassured myself that he was busy in his life and I shouldn't disturb him. I hugged every single one of my friends and mom left for making some food for everyone.

"So Chloe, how is your new college?" Emily asked

"It's fine, I miss you guys" I said looking down.

"We miss your bubbly self too but don't you have any friends there?" Emily asked

"I have she's my roommate and her name is Jennie, she is a good friend but ya know no one can take hour's and Sarah's place" I said and we did a group hug

"Okay, don't be emotional we're here to enjoy ourselves" Sarah said and we did. We did enjoy ourselves with the delicious food mum made and watching some movies and fooling around. I had fun but deep inside I was sad because my boyfriend was not there with me.

It has been a year since I last saw him and I miss him terribly. Long distance relationships sucks. Hope everything would be fine and we would continue our journey together and make it a happily ever after.


It's finished! Can you guys believe it's finished. It has been a long journey and you guys supported me through everything. Thanks for all the support and love Fatima_patel Funlesto girlygirlprettypunk1 Thanks guys and all of you out there for being supportive.

I will upload the epilogue soon.

And I promise that it will be a happily ever after

Thanks again!


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