Chapter Five

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"Sarah, truth or dare?" Aaron asked her
We were playing truth or dare. I called Sarah and Emily to my house because I was getting really bored. Aaron was getting bored too so that's why I called him over to have some fun and he agreed.
"Dare" she smirked
"Kiss Ryan" he said
Really? He knows it that Sarah is stubborn she won't kiss Ryan. She once made it clear to me that Ryan is not her type. Nor she was his'
"What?" She asked
"On the cheek" he completed
She nodded and made his way to Ryan who was smirking like an idiot
She leans closer to him and kissed him on the cheek but-
"Ahhhhhhhhh" he screamed. What happened?
"Looks like you enjoyed it very much" Aaron said
"No idiot, she bit me on the cheek" he said and I started laughing.
"Okay! Aaron, truth or dare?" She asked
"Dare"he said
She handed him a piece of paper?
"Say the lines written on this paper" she said
"Okay" he said
"Chloe, you are the most beautiful girl and I am sorry for being a jerk" he ended with a smile on his face. Why is he smiling?! He was supposed to be angry! Right?
By the time he ended, he was staring at me and I couldn't help but blush.
"Well, I am not a jerk!" He said
"Yes you are!" I said
"Whatever" he said rolling his eyes. Ladies and gentlemen.
The Aaron fucking grey is back with his jerkness.
They all went to their homes and I was getting bored again so I decided to
Logged in to Facebook. I updated my
relation ship status to single. A tear fell down from my eye at the memory of this. I was checking the news feed when I saw a picture of Jake and a girl. They were kissing. He moved on so fast. I started crying. I wanted to call somebody and I don't want to disturb Em or Sarah because they just went home so I dialled Aaron's number. I don't know why but I just did. He wasn't picking up the phone so I walked towards my window. I heard the voice of water running down. I was still standing by my window and after a few minutes, I heard the bathroom door flew open. He got out of the bathroom, his hair were dripping wet and there were small drops of water on his six packs. I wanna touch them. Woah Chloe, shut up.
I quickly closed the window because I don't want him to think that I was checking him out. I hopped on my bed and was still thinking about that picture of Jake and that whore kissing. How could Jake do this to me? He said that he loved me. We spent so much time together. Maybe this is a game of fate, he was not the right person for me. He is a man whore. I hate him so much. With these thoughts, I drifted to sleep.
I woke up in the brightly shining sun. It was Monday. I jumped from my bed
and walked into bathroom. I take a quick shower and walked into my wardrobe. I wore a pair of black jeans and blue shirt. I pulled my hair into a ponytail and then grabbing my back pack, I walked downstairs. I found Ryan sitting on the couch, probably waiting for me.
"Hey, where are mom and dad?" I asked
"They left for California early morning" he said
"California? But why?" I asked
"Grandma was not feeling well. They would be back after a month or so" He said
"Oh" I said grabbing an apple from kitchen counter.
"Lets go" he said and I nodded
We soon reached school.
"Hi" a familiar voice said and I turned around to see who was it and I found Jake standing.
"What!" I yelled
"Slow down your voice" he said
"I don't wanna talk to you Jake" I said
"Chloe, just listen to me once" he said
"No!" I said and started running
"Chloe, stop! Listen to me" he said but I ran and ran and merched in the crowd of students so he couldn't see me.
"What are you doing goody-two shoes?" Aaron asked appearing from nowhere.
"Shh" I said
I noticed that Jake could see me and Aaron so, I grabbed his hand and started running.
"Where are we going?" He asked
"Just shut your mouth and run fast" I said and he nodded.
We ran and ran and entered into Janitor's closet. I shut the door and was panting from so much running.
"What are we doing here. I know you want me but you could just have told me" he said smirking and I glared at him
"Jake was following me becauae he wanna sort out things but I didn't want to hear anymore of his lies. That's why I was running." I said
"Oh and why did you brought me here?" He asked
"Jake saw me and you in the school hall so I brought you here with me" I said. After a few seconds, Aaron took a step forward, in my direction and I took a step backwards. I could feel my heart started racing. Why he is coming towards me? I know I have pulled out many pranks on him but is he gonna rape me for that? Think positive. He took another step forward and I took another step backwards, but to my luck, I was stopped by the wall behind me and I found him smirking. He took another step forward and he was only inches apart from me. Please don't rape me. What if he would hit me or rape me? No no no God. Help me please. He leans in closer and my breath hitch in my throat. He took a strand of my hair and started twisting it. Maybe it is his way to rape girls. I couldn't stop blushing.
"U look cute when you blush" he said
and I started smiling. He tuck the strand of my hair behind my ear.
I could hear foot steps approaching towards the closet. I leaned and saw Jake from the little hole. Soon he was gone and we were out of the closet. I realized that we have missed our first class. The rest of the classes, I couldn't stop thinking about our little incident in the Janitor's closet. It was off time and I went home. I was doing my homework when my phone started ringing. It was mom.
"Hello mom" I said
"Hello dear. How are you? How is Ryan?" She asked
"We both are fine. How is Grandma?" I asked
"She is better now" she said.
"Chloe, I had left some money, just order something to eat whenever you want and I had told Andrea that me and your dad are going California. If u want anything, just ask her" she said. Andrea was Aaron's mom and she was also a very good friemd of mom. She is very sweet.
"Okay mom."
"Bye sweetie" she said
"Bye" i said
I quickly completed my homework and walked downstaris to grab something to eat. I heard the doorbell rang. I walked towards the main door. Opening it, I saw Aaron standing outside my house, wearing his sweatpants and a white t-shirt. How does he manages to look hot in everything. He has a plate of cookies in his hand and I smiled at them. I love cookies.
"Uh hi" I said
"Hi" he said smiling
"Come in" I said and he nodded.
We sat down on the couch.
"Well, my mom made these cookies for you" he said
"Aww so sweet of her" I said and e chuckled
We both spent the night together, eating cookies and watching Austin and Ally.
"Well, I have to go. Bye" he said walking towards the main door.
"Bye" I said
He went to his home and I walked into my room. Changing in to my PJ's, I hoped on my bed and went asleep.
How are you all?
Well, this is the longest chapter I have ever written. It is above 1000 words. I am so happy.
And the picture on the side is of Ryan James (Chloe's brother)
He is cute.
Byee loveliees
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