I lift my head and glance around, my clan mates are finishing off other dingoes and the only one remaining standing is the one stalking Rosy. I descend on it with a swipe of unsheathed claws sending it rolling to the side, I am on it before it can stand as I go for the same killing bite as I used on the previous one. Suddenly Rosy blurs in under those dangerous jaws, a strange shadowy form shimmers around her. I hear her growling and a strangled yelp comes from the dog in my jaws. It's struggles become frantic and I feel Rosy tugging at it. The strong rank smell of dingo blood engulfs us and Rosy moves back a step, face and chest covered with the wet shine of blood. I hold the beast until its last struggles still before dropping it and glancing around cautiously.

Rosy is standing with her head held high as she looks around, a shadow of some thing crosses her face and she walks over to the pale dingo where it lays helpless on the ground. She snarls at Steven as he tries to approach, he lays his ears back but backs off. I try to approach the downed dingo to send it with its pack mates but Rosy snarls at me driving me back. I watch as she approaches the dingo and sniffs at the corner of its mouth, slowly, gently she nudges its ear with her nose. It turns its head and gives her chin a brief lick before lowering its head to the ground. Gently her mouth closes around the back of its neck, there is an audible crunch and the breath leaves the body with a soft sigh.

"Micah," Dwayne calls me, "You'd better change back."

I look past him to the still forms on the ground, I realise Sam and Clint aren't among the forms slowly changing back to human. A tortured sound comes from Rosy and she dashes past me to rush to those forms still on the ground. A cry comes from her as she noses the hand of one form, as I move closer I see it is Clint. He is barely conscious, mauled so badly I know there is no chance for him. Dingo's are savage killers going for the stomach and disembowelling living prey. Blood bubbles from his lips with each panting breath. Rosy moves past him, looking, search, a long low moan of pain comes from her as she collapses beside a still black form. She quickly changes back to human form and I stare in shock as I see a second shadowy form blurring her outline.

Rosy pulls Sams head and front shoulders onto her knees as she bends over him sobbing. I can't understand the words coming from her as her voice rises in a keening cry. I look away from them, not far from them Ray's remains are scattered, clearly a werecat kill.

"Micah ..." I look up at Edwin's voice and am shocked to see his face streaked with tears as he looks back over his shoulder at me. " Wade wants to speak to you ..."

I walk over to Edwin not sure what to expect, the sight of Wade's savaged form makes the bile rise in my throat. Arms and legs are slashed to ribbons, his right

arm ends in a bloody stump, the severed hand grasping his walking stick some distance away.

"Nine ..." The word comes from Wade in a grunt. He struggles for breath, his face colourless. " ...dog gz ... ni ...nnn ... Rayyy ... noth eerr ...afta ..." His voice trails off, his eyes glassy. I creep closer as sorrow fills me, I nudge against his ribs, the smell of his blood thick around us.

A faint gasp comes from Wade and I raise my head, his clouded eyes swim as if trying to find mine and I give a low murmur to let him know I am close.

"Rose ... ee ... besss ... haffn ..clan .."

I hear Edwin murmuring to our father as he brushes the hair back off his blood splattered face but I know by the emptiness of his eyes, the stillness of his body he can't hear.

We hold my son as we cry, I can't believe Ray has stolen another child from me. Large hard sobs rise up in my chest, instead of a full werecat I see the small tow haired toddler that used to follow me around as I done the housework. The small patch of white hairs between his front legs is still there but it is tinged red with his blood. I remember how he used to love to have it scratched as a cub, how he would roll over and present his belly for tickles. I reach down, one last scratch, one last loving touch from his mother.

The blood is still warm but begins to wash away with the rain as I run my fingers through the white patch in a caress. My hand stills as sobs shake my shoulders and I lower our face to him. The scent of his blood doesn't quite cover his personal scent. It has changed from that of a cub, now I can smell a mature male. His scent is strong and clear, it speaks of strength and dominance. A small warm puff of air brushes against my cheek almost like a caress and I freeze as I place the palm of my hand high between his front leg and chest. It takes a moment for me to find it but it's there, a faint heartbeat.

'I refuse to let him give my girls another reason to cry,' His voice rumbles like thunder across us. I feel her flinch and pull away from me, I want to be with her a bit longer but she pushes fighting for her freedom. Reluctantly I ease away. I place a hand over my grandchild and feel her hand cover mine as if holding it there for a moment.

"Micah! Micah help!"

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