Chapter Seven

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We had never dropped the L word. It never really bothered be though because I wasn't sure if I was actually in love with him. Even if I might have said back when we were just messing around, I probably didn't mean it. Basically, I was in love with the idea of us. How we had to sneak around, and how I felt so much more mature than any of my friends. Now, we were trying to make things as real as possible. The only people who knew about us back then were, well, each other.

Part of me still wonders what would have happened if we kept it going. I mean, obviously people would've found out. I was a minor, and he was a lot older. Not to mention he was the prime minister, and my fathers boss.

Even though I'm older now, both of those things are still real, and still happening. I'm still not sure if I love him, or if he loves me. But the only way to find out, is to jump right in.

I left the next morning with Justin's driver. My mom cried when I left, but honestly I just wanted to see Justin. I had the driver drop me off downtown so I could do a bit of shopping before I met him for lunch. I went to some of my favourite old stores, including Victoria's Secret. The ladies there gave me weird looks for trying on lingerie. I didn't care though. I knew he would love it.

After dropping a solid 70$, I discreetly tucked the white and pink striped bag into my purse. I wanted it to be a surprise. Justin hadnt told me the location of lunch, so I called him. He told me the directions and I got there no problem.

"Sierra love!" He greeted me outside of the restaurant as he wrapped me in his arms. It had only been a few weeks since we had last seen each other, but I missed him so much.

He took my hand and led me to our table. Just holding hands with him made me crave them all over my body. This was going to be a long few hours.

We talked and caught up about the recent things. I was just so glad to get out of the dorms for a few days. Especially if it meant I got to spend time with Justin. Nothing too drastic had changed since I had last seen him. Besides the night at my parents house, I didn't have much to say. I listened to him talk about work and admired him for a solid hour.

"People are staring" I said, leaning into him to whisper quietly.

"I know" he said.

I gave him a confused look. "Why haven't they started taking pictures? I'm surprised it's not trending on Twitter already" I joked.

"Before you came, I told everyone in the restaurant that I would really appreciate some privacy and just have a normal lunch with my girlfriend" he smiled.

"And they listened!?"

"I also mentioned it's classified information, so it would make them feel special. Knowing something that the rest of the world doesn't know"

"What about the divorce rules, your not suppose to be seeing anyone yet?" I asked. I'm still concerned.

"That ended. Today"

I didn't know how to respond. Mostly because I didn't know what it meant. We're we going public now? Would my parents find out and realize I lied to them about having to go back to school? This couldn't end well.

"I appreciate that. But, what does this mean for us?" My heart felt like it was going to beat out of my chest.

"It means whatever you want it to mean baby" he said. He seemed so happy.

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