Chapter Six

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"Finally. The last day before spring break" says Ashley. We're both lying in our beds in the dark. Her alarm just went off and we ought to be getting up soon.

"Hey Ash?"


"I forget to tell you. I'm going away for a bit over spring break" I told her.

"Oh, who are you visiting?" She asked.

"Uhh an old friend of mine. We went to high school together"

"Cool. I might be heading home to visit my family too" she said.

Surprisingly enough, she didn't ask me a ton of questions. She's too busy with her new boyfriend. The guy from the coffee shop. She's so obsessed with him and it's all she ever talks about. It's starting to get super annoying. Especially when she tries to set me up with his friends, and I can't even tell her I'm sorta taken.

Justin had all the details planned out for my arrival. My flight departed at 5:35am tomorrow morning. He arranged for a driver to pick me up at the airport and take me to his place. I offered to stay at a hotel but he insisted. Besides, he and Sophie aren't living together so I don't have to worry about seeing her.

As hard as I tried these past weeks, he wouldn't tell me anymore than that. I'm only in Ottawa for 5 days total. He must have a lot planned.

I spent the rest of the saying daydreaming in class about what he had planned. Finally, the two of us would get to be alone. His divorce was settled next week. He let Sophie keep the house, and the kids come every other weekend. He seemed a lot happier when we talked on the phone.

I also had planned to have lunch with a old friend of mine from high school. Justin had a meeting so I wanted to occupy myself. I didn't tell Justin who it was, because he might've been jealous of the guy. His names Tyler, and we've practically known each other our whole lives.

After classes, I did my homework, and began packing. I packed the usual, shorts, pants, shirts. And Justin had mentioned bringing a bathing suit cause he had a hot tub. I thought carefully about what bra and panties to bring. Part of me really hoped he got to see them. I don't own a lot of lingerie, but after lunch with Tyler I might just have to go and buy some.

My phone started ring. It was my mom.

I picked up. "Hello"

"Hey, are you on spring break now?" She asked.

"Yeah, why?"

"Well we were hoping you'd be coming home to visit!"

Shit. Why didn't I think of this sooner. I can't cancel on Justin now. But if I go with him, I risk seeing my family in public. Quickly, I thought of something.

"Actually, I was planning on surprising you guys. I'm coming tomorrow. Only staying for a night though. I have a lot of assignments and stuff to do. Plus Ashley doesn't want to spend the week alone here on campus"

"Great! Your room is still the way you left it. Can't wait to see you!"

"You too" I said and hung up. Next, I dialled Justin's number.

"Hey" he said softly. I missed his voice.

"Hey, so there's kind of a problem" I said. "My mom called and said she was hoping I'd visit over spring break. So I made up an excuse saying I am coming home and only staying one night. I hope this doesn't wreck your plans. I can stay an extra day with you if you'd like"

"Of course, it's fine. I understand she wants to see you. You should bring me to dinner, I'm sure their going to ask you about the men in your life!" He joked.

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