Chapter Four

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Previously: Hey-J

Oh no, I thought. Here we go again.

I didn't know if I should reply right away. I didn't want to make it seem like I had been waiting endlessly by my phone for 3 days straight. Besides, he probably just wanted to say that it was nice catching up and he's headed back to Ottawa.

Ashley was laying on her bed watching some show on her tablet with her headphones in. I'm glad she didn't notice my reaction to the text or she would be all over me. She was very nosey that way.

It was getting late and I should probably be heading off to sleep soon. I hadn't showered or anything yet, and I actually wore makeup to class today so a shower was kind of necessary.
I decided to text him back.


I put my phone down and went back to studying. Less then a minute later, my phone buzzed.

I feel like I may know what you're thinking-J

I responded. What makes you say that?-S

I bet your thinking I'm just gonna start texting you again, trying to convince you to hook up with me. -J

I frowned. He was so wrong.

No. Actually I thought you were going to say you were headed back to Ottawa and that I should have a nice life-S

I decided to be honest. I really didn't want to start lying with him again.

Well then I guess we're both wrong-J

Guess so-S

God this was boring. I was trying to put too much effort into the conversation, but he could at least.

What are you doing right now?-J

This was an odd question. Studying, why?-S

Want me to pick you up, we could go for a drive. Talk about what happened between us in person-J

I wanted to go to sleep. But his offer sounded appealing.

Yeah sure. I'll meet you outside of the campus. You know where it is?-S

Be there in 15-J

I closed my books. Slowly, I moved out of the position I had been in for at least two hours. Ashley looked up from her show.

"Going to bed now?" She asked me.

"No actually. I just made plans with a friend. He's picking me up" I said.

She ripped out her headphones. "And by plans, you mean, you accepted a booty call?" She joked.

"Haha very funny. No he wants to talk and I want to talk too" I said.

"Okay. We all know where talking leads to. But go have fun! Call me if you need me!" She said and put her headphones back in. I was surprised. For once, she wasn't demanding information about the dude from me.

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