Chapter Five

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He kissed me. He kissed me hard. His hands were placed on either cheek, my hands were on his shoulders. The conversation we just had made me feel like this was a dream.

"We should take this inside of the car" he whispered, his warm breath on my face. I nodded and slowly slide off the hood. Suddenly, there was a flash of lights.

"Shit!" Justin yelled. "I knew we were being followed!"

I screamed and got into his car so fast. I covered my face so no one could see me, and buckled my seat belt. A few more flashes went off as Justin got inside the car, starting it and speeding away.

"What's going on?" I asked.

"Someone found us. They took pictures and they're going to sell them to the press. Hopefully they don't have any of your face. I don't want to put you in that position" he said, staring straight ahead.

He was going about 20 kilometres over the speed limit. "Please so down Justin. We're okay now" I said.

"I hate this" he said, slamming his hands against the wheel. He hit the horn, making it sound.

I discreetly laughed because I didn't want to piss him off anymore.

He started to slow down. "I should probably take you back" he said slowly.

"Did you have a good night?" I asked.

"I did. Well until a few minutes ago" he added.

"I did. It was a lovely evening. I wish it was lasting longer, but I do have class tomorrow"

"Another time" he said.

"So they'll be another time?" I asked him. I was surprised he mentioned it.

"Oh Sierra, there will always be another time" said Justin as we pulled up near the campus.

"Goodnight. Thanks for tonight Justin" I said and kissed him on the cheek.

"Goodnight Sierra. Sleep well"

Ashley was asleep when I entered our room. I was very quiet as I changed into pyjamas and washed my face. I climbed into bed and fell fast asleep.

I woke up to the sound of Ashley's alarm ringtone. I groaned and rolled over to check the time. It was super early. I did not feel like going to my first class. I decided to set an alarm for 15 minutes before it started and just roll out of bed and go. I fell back asleep quickly, but it was not long before I felt someone waking me up.

"Sierra!! Wake up, you need to see this" she whispered.

I rolled over and sat up. She shoved her phone in my face. The brightness was super high, making me squint. It was a news article. After reading the title, my eyes opened so fast.

Trudeau and his mystery girl. Who could she be?

Justin was spotted last night spending time with a women. The location and girl were both unidentified. Trudeau had specified that he would wait to see other people until after the divorce was final. The divorce isn't final for another month.

"Why do you care about this stuff anyways?" I asked her.

"Because! Who wouldn't want to read about Justin Trudeau? Especially if it's about him and his mystery girl?" She said. Typical Ashley and her love for drama.

"Go to class" I mumbled. I was trying to make it seem like I wasn't interested in the article. When really, as soon as she left, I was going to call Justin and freak out.

"Fine. See you later" she said and grabbed a few things before leaving.

I grabbed my phone, yanking it off the charger. I ignored all the notifications on my lock screen and went directly into my phone app. I immediately called Justin. Three rings later, he picked up.

"Hey" he said. I could tell he had just woken up from the sound of his voice.

"Have you seen the news, or read anything today?" I asked him.

"No, your call woke me up. What's wrong?"

"There's an article, with pictures from last night. They didn't say who you were with, or where, but they wrote some nasty things"

"Sierra. It's okay. They were going to find out I was seeing other people at some point. Don't be scared love"

I was surprised he understood any of that from how fast I spoke.

"But still. I'm freaking out. I didn't think you wanted me to tell anyone. I thought people weren't allowed to know" I said.

I heard him sigh on the other end of the phone. "Sierra, you know things don't have to be the way they were before. Your not in high school anymore. Besides, we were just fooling around back then. This is real now"

I didn't know how to respond. He was so calm and collected, and I was such a mess.

"When will I see you next?" I asked him.

"Well I'm flying back to Ottawa later today. You have class right?"

"Yeah I do. But our spring break week is next week!" I said excitedly.

"Did you forget that the prime minister doesn't get a spring break?" He joked.

"I might have" I laughed. "I could come to you this time" I suggested.

"That's true. I'll arrange you a flight to come see me"

"Justin, I can arrange it myself. It's alright"

"That's nonsense. I will pay for it. Consider it done"

I smiled. "You're too good to me"

"I have a meeting soon. Talk to you later love" he said. I said the same and hung up the phone.

I kept my phone on the charger while getting ready for class. I had a fair amount of time, so I put on some of Zayns new album while I did my hair and makeup. It was so good! I straightened my hair and went for a light makeup look. Ashley was probably going to want to go out after class, so I wanted to look half decent.

I still don't know if I should tell her about Justin. She's a little obsessed with him, and gossip so I'm not sure how well it would go over. I know I have to tell eventually, especially if Justin wants things to be serious between us. However, I still enjoy the secrecy of things. The sneaking around makes going out with him hotter. The idea of being "caught" is so thrilling.

It's crazy to think I hadn't seen him in 5 years and suddenly he's back in my life. After we ended, I was emotionally damaged and I think he was too. I was so young. I don't know what I was thinking, getting involved with someone with that type of authority. Things could've ended a lot worse. Even though I'm 21 now, it doesn't mean that I can just jump right into this relationship without considering the consequences. But when you care for someone the way I do for Justin, it might just be worth it.

Hey was up its been a whileeeee( like I would by Zayn reference)

I'm kinda obsessed with his album. My fav songs are: Like I would, She, Drunk and Bright. But they're all just so good. Comment your favs here ------>

So it's May 11th. I have 3.74k reads on the first book, and 403 reads on this one.

School will be ending in just over a month and then I will be writing and updating so much more! Until then, love you all :) -A

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