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From the moment we met, I knew then and there that you truly were one in a million

It started with a subtle hello and then blended into a momentous eruption of feeling

I long thought I was shut off from the world, that no one could penetrate my towering walls

but then you came along and despite my hardest efforts they all began to fall

Despite thinking it was only happening to me, for some reason you were swept into it too

You'd been hurt and scorned, battered and burned, but yet you somehow knew

The same way I knew that my life would never be the same once I adopted you into mine

With the best of intentions not to i fell into you, and hope that you would in time

It was a naive folly, yet just the thought of a future with you satisfied my hopes for a future 

A future where love burned brighter, beauty shone through the dreary, a future with new hues

To describe you on that first day you wore a t-shirt and jeans yet i learned quickly i could be speechless

I saw a smile play across your lips, and a melodic laugh tumble from it, it was at that point that my broken heart gained new stitches

You smiled at the ground and slowly glanced up as if despite your beauty you somehow didn't know

After that i took it upon myself to tell you you're beauty  and reinforce it with why I thought so

She'd been betrayed and abused, whether physical or visual she carried her scars all the same

I called her by the things i saw in her, the beauty inside and out, and show she somehow captured my soaring spirit and made it tame

I began to fall and she taught me to fly, she told me her secrets in hushed tones, and trusted me alone

I fell for her existence and that confused her, why would i fall for her? she asked. Because she was the sun which clouds couldn't help but let her be shown.

She's the sweetest incarnation of my deepest desires, she was a diamond in a pile of thorns and somehow i found her

She felt alone in crowded rooms as did I and she became the center of my world as i became near

I've heard about liking someone as something that happens slowly but for me it was a rollercoaster it built up and then all at once it all came down.

Through the twists and turns, the ups and downs, day in and day out, month after month, year after year, I'll be glad it's you i somehow found 

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