We wish

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How do you tell someone you love them so
And that you wish for one more second before they go
To listen to their breathing slow as sleep envelops them
Knowing that your love is filled to the very brim
We wish we may and wish we might for someone to make us complete
Because winning that one person over would be a feat
But the wishes and wants all fall gently to the ground
As we realize just how far love abounds
Whether we know it yet there's someone made just for us
Someone to love and to hold and more importantly to trust
Unrequited fervors of crippling desires
Make you feel like you're walking through fire
The strongest love can withstand years of rain and erosion
I know the concept of love is indeed a crazy notion
A soul mate made for you and me another half of ourselves
Instead of withholding and hiding our hearts on shelves
To love and to get hurt is the blessing of life
Because it's in the pain when you find love the end to your strife
You may know or you may not but some day your love will find a way
When you do you'll realize without a delay
There's a reason for waiting and a reason to hope
Because life has more than one strand to its rope
When the entire world around is falling not so gently to the ground
The grace of love or hope in such truly resounds
The dark is considered an absence of light
But what if you're in the dark waiting for what's right
If you didn't have the blindness then the light wouldn't gleam so
And these feelings you fought down would never grow
Wait for the one and give love a chance
Because if you do your life will find its own balance

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