[ 09 ]

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The sun was blazing and it was definitely not a whether you would choose to be out. But it was the last day of the school trip, and what's more, it was a whole day of free time. After much thought, you finally decided to meet your one and only true love.

The sea.

Your eyes sparkled as you stared at the sparkling waters, hear the sound of waves crashing against the shore, and taking in the scent of the ocean. You took a deep breath, and spread your arms out. You were going to try what you had always wanted to, what you had always watched on anime.

"It's the se-" Before you could finish shouting, a hand covered your mouth, muffling your voice. You squirmed and pulled his hand away, gasping a little for air. You glared at the ravenette before running towards the beach. No point getting all worked up on such a nice day.

After setting up a mat and parasol, you took off your hoodie, revealing your frilly (favourite colour) bikini. Hak stared for a second before lying down on the mat, obviously going to sleep... again. You didn't mind. One less person to annoy you, right?

Leaving Hak to his dreamland, you took off for the waters.

Hak opened one eye slowly. After ensuring that you were gone, he sat up and watched as you splashed about in the waters. He yawned lazily but stopped halfway, his eyes turning serious as he stared at you walking up the beach.

More accurately, at the 2 boys who approached you.

"Hey, you're really cute." The boy with curly brown hair said to you. "Wanna hang out?"

"That's why they call you an international playboy." The other boy with black hair sighed before stretching out his hand. "I'm Jimin and this is Jungkook. If you're free, wanna join us for some beach volleyball? We kind of need members."

Your eyes shined at the word "volleyball" and you immediately responded with a stretched out hand.

Suddenly, your vision was obstructed, by a piece of cloth.

To be exact, a towel.

"I'm sorry but she's with me." Your heart skipped a bit at Hak's low voice, before it sped up. It definitely did not help when he wrapped his arms around you.

"Oh, I'm sorry. I was just asking her for a game of volleyball together." Jimin apologized.

Hak smirked. Oh, it's so on.

"How about I join?"


An hour later, Jimin and Jungkook collapsed onto the sand, panting. Hak smirked as he threw a glance at the score.

7 : 25

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