[ 07 ]

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"Let's hurry and get this over and done with." You told Hak as your eyes scanned the surrounding trees. The task was to get the flag with your number from the old, abandoned house  in the woods.

"Why kaichou? Are you actually scared?" Hak teased. "Don't worry, you have me." He leaned down and whispered in your ear, causing pink to flash across your cheeks for a second.

"Well, nobody would dare to attack us anyway." Hak leisurely put his arms behind his head as he yawned. You wanted to experience how a test of courage should be, but unfortunately you agreed with your partner. With him beside you, it would only be a handful of idiots who would want to try scaring the two of you. After all, he was the infamous "Thunder Beast".

Sure enough, the road to the house was pretty much peaceful, with only the occasional rustling of leaves and annoying insects.

Soon the two of you reached a fern-covered mansion. The area around it was overgrown with meter-tall weeds, and whatever was left of the wall paint looked like it was going to be gone the next day.

You wondered how the teachers even found this place.

You and Hak pushed open the mossy wooden door into a dark, dusty room. The furniture was all covered with large pieces of cloth and there were visible cobwebs everywhere.

The two of you ventured deeper into the house, as you cautiously pushed room doors open in search of the flags. Hak on the other hand, just swung all the doors open as you peeped into the rooms from behind him.

Climbing up a flight of creaky stairs, the two of you reached the master bedroom.

"Here!" You whispered to Hak gleefully, your voice unconsciously suiting the surroundings, as you spotted the flags lined up on the bed.

However, the "3" flag was no where in sight. If that didn't make you anxious enough, the blood-curdling scream that echoed through the house definitely did.

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