“Oh, shit, yeah,” I answered, checking the time on my phone. I felt my hands get sweaty at the thought of playing. This while tour was making me nervous. It was such a big, well-known tour that I felt pressure to make every show perfect. Instinctively, I started speed-walking to the stage. Ricky followed close behind.

“I thought you died, Midnight!” Jeremy exclaimed when he spotted me. After he spoke, he quickly went back to his vocal warmups. I was glad that I had never had the desire to be a singer because those vocal warmups seemed like a bitch.

“Sorry, I lost track of time,” I apologized, tapping my sticks on my warmup pad. Ricky just stood near me awkwardly. He was always pretty quiet. I could feel my hands getting sweaty at the thought of playing in front of such a big crowd. I probably be like this the whole show.

“You guys are on!” someone yelled. I took a deep breath and tried to mentally calm myself down. I could feel my stomach churn with nervousness and I suddenly began craving a cigarette. Hopefully by the end of this tour I’d be more comfortable on stage.

“Good luck,” Ricky called after me as I ran on stage. I was the first one to go on. Then Blake, Aaron, and Dan and finally Jeremy. The crowd went wild when Jeremy finally graced the stage.

As my foot hit the kick drum, I could see Ricky on the side of the stage out of the corner of my eye. He was watching me intently. I could feel his eyes on me and I was surprised my sweaty hands didn’t drop my drumsticks. I took another deep breath. I couldn’t let Ricky make me nervous. I, to be honest, didn’t really care what he thought anyway, or at least that’s what I told myself. I felt myself getting in the zone like every other show we’ve played. I was able to block out everything besides what was playing in my in ears and what my arms and legs were doing. After playing the same sixteen songs for the past two years, I had learned these songs by heart. I could probably play them with my eyes closed.

The half hour went by really fast. I managed to pay attention to the songs and keep my mind off Ricky, which was surprising. I still couldn’t quite put my finger why I was so nervous around Ricky. I guess we were becoming friends, but I wasn’t this nervous around any of the other bands I had become friends with since we started touring. I had managed to become pretty good friends with Pierce The Veil, Asking Alexandria, The Word Alive, and I See Stars, but never had I felt this way around any of those guys. I kept telling myself that I couldn’t have feelings for him. I had just met him and you can’t have a crush on someone you barely know. Other than that, I didn’t want a boyfriend. I didn’t need one. Relationships just caused pain in the end. Anyway, I’m sure he would never like me like that. Even if I wanted him to, he wouldn’t. Who wanted a girl like me?

“You guys were amazing!” Ricky exclaimed, pulling me out of my thoughts. I couldn’t help but smile. Even if I was unsure how I felt about him, it was nice to be complimented.

“Thank you,” I told him, a blush forming on my face. Why did he have such an affect on me? I shoved my drumsticks in my back pocket and wiped my sweaty palms on my black jeans.

“That was great, Midnight!” a familiar voice shouted from behind me. I turned around to see Devin from I See Stars. When we had been touring with ISS, we had become really good friends. Jeremy used to joke that we acted like a couple and we had actually fooled everyone to think we were going out for about a week.

“Devin!” I exclaimed, wrapping my arms around him. I know you’re probably thinking that I hate most people and shouldn’t be so close with someone I met six months ago, but my friendship with Devin was different for some reason. I had felt comfortable around him since I met.

He hugged me back happily. “It’s been so long since I seen you,” Devin told me after letting me go. I had truly missed him. Outside of the band, he was my best friend.

“Did you guys play already?” I questioned. Last week we had been texting and I had promised to watch I See Stars play everyday if I could. I wasn’t one to go back on my word.

“Nope. We play next,” he responded, putting his arm around me. I could see Ricky eyeing us questioningly, but him being so quiet, I doubted he would say anything. He was probably thinking we were together or something.

“Awesome. I’m glad I didn’t miss it,” I told him excitedly. I was a pretty big I See Stars fan. After Devin and I became such good friends, I obviously started listening to them.

“Hey, Devin,” Jeremy greeted. I always kind of thought Jeremy was a bit jealous of my friendship with Devin. Jeremy would always be my best friend, though, no matter who else I was friends with.

“Hey, nice to see you, man,” Devin responded with a smile. That’s when Devin caught sight of Ricky. Ricky fit in with us pretty well considering we all wore makeup and wore black most of the time just like all the Motionless In White members, so it was no wonder why Devin didn’t notice him.

“Devin, this is Ricky. Ricky, this is my friend, Devin,” I said quickly as their eyes locked. Ricky’s expression seemed to change when I said ‘my friend.’ He looked almost relieved. Why, I didn’t know.

“Nice to meet you,” Ricky greeted. He took a long drag of his cigarette and gave Devin a smile. Something about his body language told me he was getting a bit uncomfortable about being around all these people, just like I got.

Devin was about to respond when someone announced that I See Stars was on. Surprisingly, Ricky stayed and watched with me. Not even Jeremy stayed. He wasn’t a big fan of all the electronic stuff so he obviously didn’t like ISS too much. He liked a few of their songs, but he mostly stayed away. The whole time, Ricky bobbed his head along to the music and I mouth the words. I didn’t really feel comfortable singing in front of Ricky even if he probably wouldn’t even be able to hear me over the music. For some reason, I was really glad that Ricky had offered to stay with me.

I Need To Be Loved (Ricky Horror Fan Fic) [Book #1]Where stories live. Discover now