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*Previously On Until Dawn*


"Don't give up please. I know you're doubting yourself right know, I can feel it. You're weary about going against Amber once more. Please, don't give up. After all, you might fall off that brand new bike many times, it's the motivation to try again that pushes you to get better." She said.

The spinning stopped. The sound of air whipping past my face quieted down and darkness became light.

"Who are you?" I asked once again. She simply just stared at me.

"Cecelia, My name is Cecelia and you're my daughter."

My eyes opened.


Chapter 29!


Dawn's POV

She's not my mother.

My brain was spinning with information I just received. How was this possible?

I groaned, grabbing onto my head as various waves of pain hit. I felt like someone was attempting to bore my cranium open with a drill.

"She's not my mother." I whispered out. I felt like such a fool.

"She's not my mother." I repeated, louder. I felt small tingles and a soft, but strong grip on my forearm. My head turned to face the person and was greeted with dark brown eyes, worry swimming in them.

Diego's mouth opened and closed, like he was trying to communicate with me. I only stared at him while repeating those four words.

The room spun. I could tell I wasn't about to be conscious any longer. I could feel my brain trying to separate itself from my skull. I squeezed my eyes shut and immediately images of myself, Liberty, Diego, Autumn and Brooklyn, My actual mother, and my enemy flooded my mind. It was all too much.

I screamed.

I felt my hands clam up as my skin released beads of sweat all over my body. My hands were tingling, signaling that they were on fire. My eye opened momentarily to see the amount of people in the room staring at me hopelessly. I could see that they wanted to help but couldn't, I would have burnt them into oblivion.

I sensed someone reaching out to me and spun in their direction.

"Get back," My voice was hoarse and cracked. I caught a glimpse of hurt in Diego's eyes but it was covered by the evident fear in them.

A moment later I was drenched in freezing cold water. I didn't help my internal fury but simmered down the flames on my limbs. Autumn and Brooklyn were standing in my line of sight. Brook's hands were dripping with water.

"Dawn!" She yelled. They both grabbed onto me and restrained me from moving any further. Not like I was really struggling to.

They pushed me back into the comfort of the silky sheets and instructed me to shut my eyes. The ache in my head was going away but it left a numb feeling in my brain.

My fingers were still tingling, but it was different. It felt more electrifying. Almost like when I used to rub my feet across a carpet and touch one of the kids at the orphanage. This was stronger though. I felt It slowly eating my body away, overpowering it.

I groaned in pain. The tingling slowly made its way up my arms and separated so it was going down my body and up into my head.

"What's happening to her?" Through my barely opened eyelids, I caught a glimpse of a blurry figure towering over me. I knew it wasn't anyone I knew so I must have been the doctor.

"I'm not sure Alpha." Her voice wavered as she spoke. Not liking her answer, I could feel the waves of anger emitting off Diego.

"You're a doctor! You should know what's wrong with he-," His voice cut off as everything became eerily silent once more. It was so quiet I could hear the faint sounds of children playing outside. Then there was a sizzling sound.

The sound came from below me so I carefully lifted one of my arms and stared at my flesh. The tingling sensation was now non-existent, yet I could see the bolts of electricity travelling through my veins. It passed through my arm as if it was embedding something in my veins. I lifted my head to see everyone staring at my body.

My other arm went through the same process as did my legs. The bolts were travelling at a slow pace yet I feared the worst once it reached my head.

"W-what's happening?" I whispered. I looked over at the two elementals in the room to see them staring at me, their faces pale.

"How...?" Autumn whispered.

Then the pain came.

It was a searing hot pain gathering up inside my chest. My heart was beating faster than normal and it was evident on the monitor beside me. It was beating way too fast.

"She going to flat line!" Someone yelled. Then everything became frantic. Doctors rushed in and out of my room, pushing all my friends out. My breathing became erratic and harsh. I couldn't see anymore.

Then my heart stopped.


"All clear!" I hears someone yell. Then I felt it. All 300 joules of electricity course through my body. It hurt. Like hell. Before any compression could happen my body jolted upwards and my eyes snapped open. I gasped loudly, pushing away all the limbs stretched out in my direction.

I grabbed onto the defibrillator pads and ripped them off my chest. Grabbing onto the pads was a huge mistake because I saw as the electricity passed quickly through the cord and into the outlet.

Then everything went pitch black. Except, I was glowing.

"Guys, I'm a living glow stick!" I didn't know why I was so excited and happy after coming out of an injury but I was quite the optimist.

Well, when I wanted to be.

The door to the room burst open, revealing Diego and the rest of the group. He ran over and embraced me as if he just witnessed me dying.

Oh wait.

"I- I was so worried." He whispered, his head buried into the crook of my neck. "You... Don't... please, don't do that again. You have no idea how worried I was. All I could think about was you... Gone." he paused. "I was going crazy, it had almost been a week since you laid here unconscious and unresponsive." He paused once more to look into my eyes.

His brown eyes were glazed over with unshed tears he was trying so hard to conceal.

"Don't do that again, I will kill you if you die on me again." He threatened lowly. He then pulled me in close and I felt his lips on mine. I could feel all of his emotions passed into this kiss. Man this world must have been so boring without me.

"And I'll personally castrate you if you die on me." I told him, smirking slightly once we broke apart. He smiled and brought me into a tight embrace.

For once I thought everything was back to normal.

But living in a world where the supernatural isn't a fairy-tale.

Nothing is ever normal .


*❤️Don't forget to leave a vote and comment on this chapter, it is always appreciated.❤️*

I was contemplating ending this story right here and starting a sequel but... It just wouldn't seem right. I have to complete the main goal of the story, maybe then i'll think about a sequel.


Until Dawn ✔️Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora