"Why wouldn't I want to go visit your family?" I chuckled she instantly smiled again and hugged me.

"Is Nate coming?" She shook her head and I nodded going on my phone onto the snapchat app pressing record.

"Give me a I kiss". I said lifting up her chin she rolled her eyes but came and closed the gap. The video ended and we both pulled away watching it.

"Could you send me that?" She asked I nodded and added it to my story instantly getting views.

"I feel like we don't connect much." I said she frowned and looked up at me confused.

"I feel like we don't talk about us; like I don't know you're dreams in life or what you're most scared of." I said she nodded.

"We'll tell me about your dreams baby boy cause I know for a fact all this touring stuff isn't making you that happy." She smiled brightly, connected our fingers.

"I mean meeting the fans makes me happy, I just feel like I could do much more and make a difference." I sighed, she nodded.

"What about you baby?"

"I want to be an artist." She shrugged.

"What kind of artist?" I liked it when we connected more like this.

"I don't know.." She sighed. "I can't draw but I'm good at writing and singing and mixing different beats together."

"Well you're a work of art." I winked, she blushed and lightly hit my chest making me chuckle.

"Eww don't be so corny." She laughed.

"Don't tell me what to do." I grinned, her smile instantly went away as she glared at me.


"Don't 'k' me." I laughed lightly pushing her arm, she let out a giggle.

"Don't tell me what to do." She mocked, I let out a sigh and rolled my eyes.

"You know you're stubborn and hot as fuck?" Even though she was my girl already, doesn't mean I'm gonna stop flirting with her and stop making her feel special.

"Hayesssss." She whined hiding her face in my chest, I could see her cheeks were a bright reddish/pinkish color.

"I love you."

"I love you too baby girl." She instantly smiled and went on her phone me doing the same.

"I'm hungry." I said locking my phone and letting out a long sigh. She just glanced up at me as rolled her pretty brown eyes making me chuckle.

"I made waffles but I couldn't reach the syrup." She said. An image popped into my head imagining her reaching up at the tall counter. I let out a laugh while she rolled her eyes AGAIN.

"I'll get it down for you if you make me some." She let out an annoyed groan.

"Fine. FYI you're lucky I like you cause I've NEVER made food for a boy before." She sassily said, getting up and walking out of her room. I smiled and ran out the room after her.

"Stop running in the house!!" Nate yelled slamming his room door, I rolled my eyes and walked into the kitchen, Audrena had the waffles out and was putting them in the toaster.

I leaned up against the fridge and acted like I wasn't checking her out while she danced to drakes album Views.

"So what's up with this 'girl making guys sandwiches thing?' A lot of people talk about that." I chuckled wrapping my arms around her waist while she slightly jumped; just trying to start converstaion.

"I don't know, my dad told me to never make a boy I don't like a sandwich." She shrugged laughing.

"That's dumb."

"You're dumb bitch." She laughed trying to reach up to get the syrup, I chuckled and stood up grabbing it off the covert.

"Give it to me duuuude." I chuckled again and put it higher, she smacked her lips and hit my chest.

"Bitch, I'll fight you." She said pushing me. I lightly pushed her back and before I knew it she kicked me in my balls.

I dropped the syrup and grabbed my junk, stumbling back while she grabbed the syrup and busted out laughing.

"Well bitch." She laughed handing me the plat of waffles.

"Here's your waffles." And with that she walked out of the kitchen.

I shook my head; fucking violent midget. I shook my head again and grabbed some raw vegetables and my waffles.

Man I gotta love her though.

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