- Prologue -

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Art reflects life.

Or that's at least what they say. But, in my opinion, art reflects frustration. I, for one, am the most creative when I am absolutely outraged. For example, when I write poetry or stories, they often come from a dark perspective. The topics are usually serious; violence, murder, depression, or perhaps loneliness. This doesn't meant that I am always thinking about these things, or feeling low all of the time. It simply means that the best form of self expression is to vent out on paper.

You'd think that for someone with a name like Oasis, which sounds peaceful, I'd be happy and content. And, at most times, it was like that. However, that's not always the case. On certain days, I wanna run away and live in a forest full of animals rather than be in a full functioning society with people. People were like shards in the sand to me, and once in a while it may feel like I'm trying to safely get through the beach and the shards kept on cutting my feet.

I needed a solution for that, so I thought about it for a very long time. Until I came to the best conclusion I could think of... Sweep the shards up. Push 'em to the side. Become numb so when they cut your foot you don't have to feel the pain.

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