Ch 5 A Devil Becoming

Start from the beginning

    Amusement glinted in the demon’s eyes. “Oh? Have some stories been circulating?”

    Ciel clicked her tongue against the roof of her mouth in mild annoyance, “I should have known that you were the cause.”

    Sebastian chuckled, “Unfortunately, I’m afraid that I am only partially the cause of such stories. I do confess that I have had some dealings with a death or two involving the mansion, one such being a unlucky theft who tried to break in when I happened to be paying a visit to the mansion.”

    Ciel couldn’t help the smirk that tweaked her lips up at the corners. “Even after the death of your master you remain ever faithful to him... How amusing.”

    Annoyance flickered in those deep brown eyes, the ones masquerading as belonging to an innocent human, but it was quickly pushed away from sight. “Shall I get you so more tea?”

    Ciel followed the pointed gaze to the empty tea pot and cup, before nodding. She watched as Sebastian moved from his place by the window to pick up the tray carefully, before following his form as it disappeared out the door. Releasing a small sigh, Ciel allowed her body to sink down slowly into the plush pile of pillows. Her mind was racing with everything she’d just learned, the gears constantly turning in an effort to digest it all fully. It was an odd concept to think that she’d lived a pervious life before, one where she wasn’t even of the same gender, but it fit everything she’d experienced prior to this perfectly. The familiarity, the sense of having know this before, the constant déjà vu; it all made sense now.

    When Sebastian failed to return in his usually timely fashion, Ciel began drumming her fingers restlessly against her stomach that was heavy bandaged beneath the oversized button down shirt Sebastian had helped her into earlier this morning. Already she knew what to expect from him and lateness was uncharacteristic for the demon. She gave a sigh ladened with the weight of her annoyance, before it was cut short by a knock on her door.

    A small frown pulled her brows downwards. Of all the trips he’d made from her room back and forth this morning, he hadn’t once knocked or announced his entrance. Brushing her suspicions aside, Ciel struggled to sit upright or at least into a position where she wasn’t lying completely flat.

    “Enter,” she called out before she took anymore time to think about it.

    “Ciel! I demand to know why my niece has a unfamiliar man in her house with no supervision of any form!”

    Ciel paled at the sharp voice that made it’s presence known seconds before the vibrant red came into sight. Aunt Ann’s face was set into a fierce look as she charged her way into Ciel’s room, the red sweater dress adorning her body making the woman’s stern face even stricter. Ciel opened and shut her mouth, but no words were utterable as her tongue's will died on her. She hadn’t a clue what to say to her aunt to calm her or even begin to try and explain exactly who Sebastian was.

    “If you’ll allow me to explain,” Sebastian cut in, earning a sharp glare from Ciel who laid every silent question about their current situation into that single loaded look.

    “Shut it! I don’t want to hear another word from that handsome mouth of yours,” the red headed woman snapped effectively silencing the demon, before turning her attention to her niece. “Explain now, Ciel.”

    Ciel swallowed thickly, “I...”

    “Oh God! Ciel....What happened to you?”

    Ciel winced when her aunt had stepped close enough to notice the bruising, silently glad that the worst was covered and that the very worst was something that no one would ever know about- not even Sebastian, though she was sure he might suspect it. Still the dark bruises around her eyes and neck were enough to alarm anyone. They were turning a sick yellowish color around the edges, but inside were still a deep purplish-blue that appeared even harsher with the swelling. Her bottom lip was cut open with a jagged slice near the right corner and a light sprinkle of more cuts ran the length of her neck. A wad of cotton had been shoved against her left eye, held in place by four bandages; which was hidden under a fringe of long bangs.

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