Blood ✖️ Stained ✖️ Hands

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"Just leave it for now and come down stairs! They are waiting for you right now, yomi!"


Mrs Sakimora turns to me with a troubled expression, "sorry about this" she smiles slightly at me.

"It's cool" I say calmly shrugging it off.

Actually it's not cool at all! I'm in a hurry! Gons life is on the line here!

I saw a pair of feet appear at the top of the stairs, they started running down them until it revealed yomis face.

"Alluka-chan!" She grins. "And...?" She then looks to me confused.

"Killua, allukas older brother. Nice to meet you" I nod at her with a smile.

"Ohhh so this is the famous big brother that alluka-chan has been talking to me about! Well, nice to meet you too, I'm yomi but you've probably heard that from alluka-chan, right?" She says with a wide grin. I nod and give her a fake laugh since I don't have time for this.

Alluka started to stir. she opens her drowsy eyes and blinks a couple of times, "onii-chan? Where are we?" She yawns rubbing her eyes.

I put her down on her feet and let her lean against my chest as I hold her by the shoulders.

"Alluka-chan!!" Yomi screeches and brings my sister in to a tight hug.

"Huh? Yomi-chan? Um onii-chan? Why am I at yomi-chans place?" Alluka asks in bewilder as her eye brows fray upwards.

"Listen alluka" I turn her around and place my hands apon her shoulders.
"your onii-chan has to go take care of a few things so you need to say here with yomi for the time being, okay?" My eyes soften when I look at her.

She instantly frowns at me as sadness clouds her eyes, "but what about Gon-chan? He's in hospital right! I wanna see Gon-chan!" She crosses her arms and huffs.

"Listen alluka, Gon will be okay. Your onii-chan is gonna help him so just be good and stay here. Can you promise me that?"

She looks at me with anxious yet trusting eyes and nods slowly,
"okay... I promise" she finally says. I swiftly pull her into me as I embrace her closely to my chest.

I will protect both alluka and Gon without a doubt!

Just wait Gon, I'll save you once again.

No matter what it takes!

I'll do it!

"Okay well, what ever you gotta do please try your best!" Yomi smiles at me with a short nod of the head.

I pull away from alluka and give a slight nod back at yomi.

I check my phone and realise that I need to get to casino park in 20 mins to get that bastard of a brother.

"I've gotta go now. Take care of alluka" I nod again, towards yomi pacifically and eye her with gratitude.

She smiles a pleasant smile and takes a hold of allukas hand,

"come on cutie! I have so many new films for us to watch and I can't wait to watch them with you!" She grins at my sister, as they both run off upstairs, giggling.

•ωнєи ι ѕєє уσυ αgαιи• killugon fanfic • (Ongoing)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ