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"Hey Molly" Austin smirked making Puck tense up next to me "What are you doing Austin?" I asked confused "Well I thought I'd give this whole Glee thing a go considering I know how much it's means to you, oh hey Puck see you at practice mate" Austin smirked before walking away.

---------The Next Day-----------

We are currently in the choir room for our before school practice that Rachel insisted that we have, I'm sitting at the piano next to Puck and we had just told everyone that Austin joined Glee, Quinn looked nervous when we told her but I just brushed it off "Anyway enough boy drama. who do you think is going to take us to Sectionals?" Mercedes spoke "I bet we get stuck with Mr. Sinacori" Artie replied making us all groan "The creepy math teacher?" Tina asked "He's always singing when he walks down the hall" Kurt said cringing before everyone else walking in, including Austin to my dismay "Okay let's practice" Rachel said, we all got into position and to my joy I was stuck between Puck and Austin, not awkward at all. As we where practicing Quinn slipped and Finn and Austin ran over to her "Is it the baby? Is it coming?" Finn asked panicking "I think we are supposed to get hot towels" Austin continued also slightly panicked making me confused "Would you both shut up! There is sweat on the floor, I just slipped" Quinn replied standing up.

After practice Rachel walked up to myself, Kurt, Mercedes, Tina and Artie "Hey guy's do any of you think it's weird that Austin rushed to Quinn's aid today when she fell?" she asked speaking my thought's "No" Mercedes said nervously "I mean he like's her, they are friend's. We all know that" Artie continued quickly "Yeah but it seemed like more then that" Rachel said before walking away leaving me to my thought's "Hey girl, you okay?" Mercedes asked "Oh um yeah, I've just got to go do something" I said before leaving them.

-------Mercedes P.O.V-------

I quickly made a group call when Molly walked away with Kurt, Tina, Artie, Santana and Brittney "Hey guy's they are onto it" I said quickly "I know, it's really freaking me out" Tina replied "Dudes this is serious, if Rachel finds out she is going to tell Molly and Finn, and if Molly finds out all hell is going to break loose" Artie said "I say we lock Rachel up until after sectionals, I volunteer my basement" Kurt spoke "We can't we need her to sing" I replied "Damn her talent" Kurt replied "How did they even find out?" Santana said "We assumed it was you" Kurt replied "Why would I do that?" Santana asked "To get back at Puck for choosing Molly over you" Kurt replied "Look, I don't want to rock the boat, even though I hate her most of the time Molly is still one of my best friends and I don't want her to get hurt over some stupid eat head like Austin" Santana replied "Look I know I screwed up about telling you guy's about Quinn and Austin and I feel really terrible about it but we cannot let either Molly or Rachel find out about this, if they do everyone is going to flip out." I said "And they we really won't have any chance at sectionals" Kurt said before we all hung up.

----------Molly's P.O.V--------

I walked to the football oval and saw the boy's practicing, I walked over to the field and spotted Austin I went over to him and he was passing the ball with one of his meat head friends "Austin" I said standing next to him "Hey" he smirked "We need to talk" I said determined, I could feel Puck looking at me but I didn't look at him "Okay, anything for you baby" he said before winking and following me "Don't call me that" I said as we made our way to under the bleachers "Ahh our old hide out, you know this is where we used to make out right, did you want to re visit that?" he smirked stepping closer to me, I decided to just ignore him before speaking "What's going on with you and Quinn?" I asked placing hand on my hip, he looked taken aback before replying "Nothing, why are you jealous if there was?" he asked "Tell me the truth Austin, what is going on between you and Quinn?" I pushed "Molly, nothing is going on we are just friends!" he said getting annoyed "Do you promise?" I asked "yes, I promise" he said "Good" I replied before leaving him and heading to the choir room. I sat in th choir room just playing on my phone for about 15 minutes before glee started and everyone came in. Puck walked over and sat next to me before giving me a kiss on the cheek and placing his hand on my leg. "Hey beautiful" he said making me smile "Hey" I replied "How come you where talking to Austin earlier?" he asked "I just had to ask him something, no need to worry" I replied as he started drawing shapes on my leg. Just then Mr. Schue walked in with Miss. Pillsbury "Hey guys, everyone take a seat" he said making everyone sit down "Well, I have found my replacement. So give it up for Miss. Pillsbury" he said as we clapped "So do you even know anything about music?" Santana sassed "What's important is that she cares about you guy's every bit as much as I do. Now I don't know what the future holds for me and for us, but I know that tomorrow you are going to make me proud. You guy's are going to be great, so goodbye for now." Mr. Schue spoke sadly "Wait, what about our set list?" Mercedes asked "I can't help you with that. You've got to figure that out for yourselves" he said before leaving the room. "Well, we have to do 'Proud Mary' in wheelchairs. That's in." Artie said "And 'Don't Stop Believin' for sure" Finn continued "What about the ballad?" Tina asked "I would be thrilled to contribute a ballad from my repertoire" Rachel said standing up making me groan and roll my eyes "Okay you know what Miss. Bossy pants? Enough. I've worked just as hard as you and I am just as good as you, and you know you always end up stealing the spotlight." Mercedes said standing up and walking over to Rachel "Mercedes do you honestly think that you're as strong of a balladeer as I am?" Rachel asked before speaking to Miss. Pillsbury, Mercedes then turned around and mouthed "balladeer?" making us all snicker, I then spoke up "Okay Rachel I think it's time that some other people took the stage because we are all just as bright as you" I said standing up and walking over to Mercedes and giving her a high five "Um Rachel why don't you give Mercedes a try?" Miss. Pillsbury asked, Rachel agreed and sat down "Thanks Miss. P, but I won't be singing alone on this one, Molly let's do this" Mercedes smirked making me smile, we then turned and looked at Brad who was sitting at the piano "Do we even need to tell you what song?" Mercedes asked "Horns, strings keep up" I said before I stared singing the first line looking at Puck and smiling. While I was singing I could feel Austin shooting daggers at me but I just brushed it off.

The Player (Noah Puckerman) Glee FanficWhere stories live. Discover now