5.The Rhodes Not Taken

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It is the day after the big football game and I am currently in Glee Club when Mr. Schue walks into the room. "Guys I have an announcement to make, straight from the football teams win we have three new members of the glee club, please welcome Noah Puckerman, Mike Chang and Matt Rutherford" as Mr.Schue said that they walked through the door and my mouth literally hit the floor, Puck sat next to me before saying "might want to close your mouth before you catch flies" I quickly shut my mouth but couldn't stop the smile from spreading across my face before we started practicing 'Don't Stop Believing' while Quinn was singing she ran out of the room with a hand covering mouth as if she was about to be sick "I think she had a bad breakfast burrito" Finn said awkwardly "Look this is the fifth time that Quinn has done this all week and I think we need a new lead, I vote Molly, her voice is the strongest" Tina said "naww thank you Tina, but there is now way in hell I am singing a love song with my brother, I would rather loose" I said while pretending to be sick "Can we please talk about the giant elephant in the room?" Kurt asked "Your sexuality?" Santana said "Rachel, we can't do it without her" Kurt said ignoring Santana "That's not true, we may have to layer Santana or Mercedes over Quinn's solo but we'll be fine" Mr. Schue replied "Maybe for the invitationals, but not for the sectionals and certainly not the regionals" Artie said "I agree, Rachel does drive me crazy but that girl can sing and if we want to win then we need to get her back" I said "Rachel left guys, she's gone. Now if we're gonna make things work, we can't look back. Alright take five guys" Mr. Schuester replied. As we where taking our break I sat down in the corner and checked a few text messages "You know you're a better singer then Rachel right?" Puck said sitting next to me, I giggled slightly "Thanks for the compliment Puck but I'm no where near as good as Rachel" "I'm being serious Molly, you have more talent in your pinky then she has in her whole body" Puck replied. I smiled slightly "You're so sweet" I smiled "And I'm impressed that you joined glee club, even though I know you don't want to be here. So tell me the real reason you joined" I laughed slightly "Honestly?" Puck asked scratching the back of his neck "No Puck, I want you to lie to me" I said with sarcasm dripping from my mouth "Alright, well then I joined because I wanted to spent more time with you" he smiled "You do know that I'm not ready for another relationship yet right?" I asked "Yeah I do, and I don't mind, you're worth waiting for" He smiled before standing up and getting back to rehearsals.

I am now in Cheerios practice and we are all practicing our hand springs and a new routine that we have been working on "Ladies please can you smile while doing these dangerous tricks, you need be looking like you're happy and alive not in a coffin 6 feet under dirt" Sue yelled over her megaphone. Myself and Brittney where doing them the best which isn't good because Quinn is usually the best at handsprings, I really hope Coach Sue doesn't catch on to anything because she would be kicked out of the Cheerio's no question. "How are you feeling Quinny?" I asked as we took a water break "Umm alot more tired and basically always feeling like I'm going to be sick" she replied "Have you thought about telling your parents?" I asked "No, they can't find out yet, please just don't tell anyone Molly" Quinn said stressing out "Quinny, calm down I'm your best friend forever, I will always keep your secrets" I smiled "Thank you so much" Quinn replied before giving me a big hug "Ladies if you have time to hug you have time to train" Sue yelled into the megaphone yet again.

-----------The Next Day-----------

We are all sitting in glee club and Mr. Schue is standing infront of us with a woman that I have never seen before "Guys I'd like to introduce you to someone very special. This is April Rhodes. She's our newest member" "Wait so old people can join Glee Club now?" Finn asked confused "Old huh? You guys look like the worlds worst Benetton ad." April replied making me cringe slightly "Mr. Schuester, this seems like a terrible idea" Artie said "April is a great singer and she never graduated" Mr. Schue replied "We appreciate what you're trying to do, but she's no Rachel" Mercedes said trying to be polite "Who's Rachel?" April asked "Some snotty stuck up girl with an incredible voice" I said earning a chuckle from Puck "Well where is she?" April continued "She left, to be the lead in Cabaret" Kurt replied "Hey tinkles, give me 'Maybe This Time' in B-Flat, and don't let me catch you snoozin'" April said to Brad , our piano player. Brad then began to play the song and I must admit April is an amazing singer, but I still don't think she is right for the 'New Directions'. After her song April giggled before saying "Stick that in a pipe and smoke it" with sass.

The Player (Noah Puckerman) Glee FanficTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang