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We are in Glee club practicing the new dance moves for sectionals "So have you found out who we are up against as sectionals?" I asked Mr.Schue when we where taking a break "Yeah I did Molly, and we're in great shape. There's only two other teams, if we beat them, we make it to regionals. The other teams are School for the Deaf in Dayton and some place called Jane Adams Academy" Mr. Schue replied "Jane Adams? That's a halfway house for girls just getting out of juvie" Mercedes said "Th-th-this is great" Tina stuttered "People who can't hear what they're singing and criminals who don't care. It's gonna be a piece of cake, high five" Artie said while high fiving Brittney. We then started practicing our routine again but everyone was only putting in half the effort "C'mon guy's, you're sleep walking on me here, gimme some energy. We've got sectionals in two weeks" Mr. Schue said "Please, sectionals is gonna be a breeze" I replied "Maybe so but if we coast through sectionals, we're gonna get killed at regionals. We have got to be on our game." Mr. Schuster said as the bell rung and everybody left the room one by one "We need to talk" Santana said closing the door to the choir room once everyone had left apart from us "What about?" I asked "You need to stay away from MY man" Santana replied with sass "What are you talking about?" I asked walking closer to her "Oh don't play dumb Molly, I know you have been with Puck lately, but you need to back off because he is MINE" Santana said "Umm last time I checked he broke up with you" I replied to Santana "Please, just because we broke up doesn't mean we have stopped having sex" she replied smirking, I gasped softly "You really thought that you changed him? He was playing you Molly" Santana replied before walking out of the choir room. I sat down on one of the chairs with tears in my eyes "Hey, can I erm talk to you?" Austin asked walking into the choir room and sitting next to me "Sure" I said blinking away the tears before they could fall "Look babe, I miss you and I don't like us not being together, do you think we could maybe start over?" he asked looking hopeful "I don't think it's that simple Austin" I replied walking with him to my locker "It's Puck isn't it?" Austin replied looking slightly angry "What?" I asked "You like him don't you?" he replied "Look I don't know what you're talking about but I think this conversation is over if you keep talking to me like that" I replied slamming my locker "Molly wait, I'm sorry, I just can't stand not being with you, please just give me one more chance?" Austin asked. I thought about it for a second, I looked over his shoulder and saw Puck kissing Santana before looking back at Austin "Okay, one more chance" I replied as he embraced me in a big hug "C'mon, let's go get lunch" I said taking his hand and walking with him to the canteen.

-----After Lunch-----

I was putting away my Spanish books in my locker when Puck walked up to me "Hey Hudson" he said "What do you want Puckerman?" I asked shutting my locker "I heard that you and Austin where back on" he said "huh that's funny, because I heard that you and Santana where never off" I replied walking down the hall towards Glee "What?" he asked "Santana told me and I also saw you kissing in the hall earlier" I replied as tears started to well up again "She kissed me, I couldn't just push her away" I stopped and looked at him "Yeah well you could have stopped from having sex with her but you didn't do that did you?" I asked him "I'm a guy, what do you expect" he said making me roll my eyes "The reality of all of this Puck is that you're pathetic and that I am an idiot" I said too him "Why are you an idiot?" Puck asked "Because I thought that maybe you actually liked me, and I was so stupid that I actually started to get feelings for you. You're a player and that's all you're ever going to be" I replied to him as a tear ran down my face before walked away from him to the choir room.

Once everyone had sat down in the choir room I stood up "Mr. Schue would it be okay if I sung a song?" I asked him "Sure, go for it Molly" he replied before I told Brad what song to play on the piano. I stood in the center of the room and began to sing 'Mr. Know it all' by Kelly Clarkson

Mr. Know It All
Well ya think you know it all
But ya don't know a thing at all
Ain't it, ain't it something y'all
When somebody tells you something 'bout you
Think that they know you more than you do
So you take it down another pill to swallow

The Player (Noah Puckerman) Glee FanficWhere stories live. Discover now