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I was sitting next to Puck in the choir room and we where listening to Quinn talking to Finn about the baby, Puck then groaned and rolled his eyes "What?" I asked him, he looked at Quinn with slight disgust before looking at me "Nothing" he replied before smiling at me "Alright guy's, we're doing a new number for sectionals" Mr. Schue said walking through the door "I know that pop songs have sort of been our signature piece's but I did a little research on past winners and it turns out that judges like songs that are more accessible. Stuff they know, like Broadway." Mr. Schuester continued before passing us all sheet music "'Defying Gravity'? I have an iPod shuffle dedicated exclusively to selections from 'Wicked'" Kurt said making me smile "Same, it's my favourite musical" I replied to Kurt "This is amazing" Kurt said "Think you can handle it Rachel?" Mr. Schue asked making me roll my eyes "It's my go to shower song. It's also my ringtone." Rachel replied "Why do we have to go all vanilla on this song? See, what we need is my chocolate thunder." Mercedes said "We don't have time to rearrange the song for you Mercedes. Rachel is singing it. Don't worry, we'll find something for you to dip in chocolate" Mr. Schue replied making everyone laugh "Okay, onto item two. The school won't pay for the special bus we need to take Artie and his wheelchair with us to sectionals." Mr. Schue said "W-w-what?" Tina stuttered "That's completely not fair" I spoke "So we are going to have to raise money to pay for it ourselves. See when I was in Glee Club and we needed new silk for costumes we held a bake sale." Mr. Schue said making us all laugh again "Wait, You're joking right? I mean bake sales are kind of 'bougie.'" Santana sassed "So hip people stopped eating delicious sugary treats?" Mr. Schue asked "It's not that, it's just that most of us don't know how to bake. I find recipes confusing." Brittney said "My family is fully committed to take out" Rachel replied "Yeah Mr. Schue kids are busier than when you where here. We've got homework and football and teen pregnancy and lunch." Finn said listing things "Can't Artie's Dad just take him?" Mercedes asked "Hold on, that's so not fair to Artie, he is a part of out club and deserves to ride with us." I said smiling at Artie who returned it "I agree with Molly, I can not believe how insensitive you are all being, are you a team?" Mr. Schue asked "Of course, but Artie understands. Don't you Artie?" Quinn asked Artie "Oh, of course. It's cool. I mean anything that takes away our time from rehearsing doesn't serve as a team" Artie replied as the bell went. Everyone got up and began to leave "You coming?" Puck asked as I noticed Artie struggling to tie his shoes laces "Um, I 'll catch up with you" I said to him smiling "Okay, see you soon?" Puck said before walking out of the room with everyone "Would you like some help Artie?" I asked walking up to him "Thank you" he replied as I bent down and tied them for him, Mr. Schue then walked over and sat on a seat next to us "Hey I'm really sorry about how everyone acted Artie" Mr. Schue said "It's okay, I'm used to it" Artie replied "No it's not okay, you deserve to ride with us" I replied standing up "I guess they just don't get it, thanks for having my back though Molly, I really appreciate it" Artie said smiling at me, I smiled back "Hey Mr. Schue, can I use the auditorium this afternoon to rehearse?" Artie asked "Sure buddy" Mr. Schue replied before we both left for lunch.

I walked into the food court and sat down next to Kurt "I'm so sorry about bailing on our lunch yesterday Kurt" I said before taking a bite out of my sandwich "That's okay, Puck needed you. But I have an idea that I want to pick your brain with" Kurt said looking at me "Pick away my friend" I replied smiling "Well I want to suggest to Mr. Schue that I want to have an audition to sing the 'Defying Gravity' solo at sectionals, but I don't think he will agree to it if I only ask. So I was wondering if you could with me?" Kurt asked "Well I mean I would love to do the solo but I don't think I would want to compete with you." I replied "Well that's the best thing, I don't care if you win, I mean I would like to win to prove a point but I just don't want Rachel to have it, she get's every solo and I don't think it's fair" Kurt replied making me smile "Okay, let's do it" I said giving him spirit fingers

The Player (Noah Puckerman) Glee FanficOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora