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"Hey Quinny" I smile walking up to my best friend and giving her a hug "Hey Molly, how are you?" Quinn asked while we walked to cheerios practice together "I'm good, listen did I do something wrong? Because you have been really distant with me this past week." I say looking at her to see her face drop slightly "No, you haven't done anything, I've just been really tired this week, sorry" she replied with a fake smile. I don't know why Quinn is lying to me but it's starting to worry me. When we got to practice I noticed Austin on the field and I blew a kiss towards him. After cheerio's practice I went to the football team and gave Austin a kiss, from the corner of my eye I could see Puck looking towards us with a slightly sad expression. "Hey babe, you should come over to mine tonight" I say to Austin giving him a slight smirk. "Uhhm sorry, I can't tonight, Mom is making me look after Lucy again." Austin replied referring to his little sister. "Oh, okay well I have to go to my next class, i'll see you later." I smile slightly disappointed before walking away towards my locker. 

I enter the glee classroom and notice everyone sitting down with sheet music in there hands and a disgusted look. Mr. Schue hands me the sheet music and I notice that we are singing a disco song. I groan slightly before standing up with the rest of the group and singing the song. During the middle of the song Rachel kicked up her leg and nearly kicked Mercedes. "Oh, hell to he nah, first of all, you try to bust my face again and I will cut you." she pointed to Rachel causing me to laugh a little bit "And also this song, is terrible" she then continues to Mr. Schue "No, it's not the song, you guy's just need to get into it" Mr. Schue say's "No, it's the song, it make's me want to throw myself off a cliff, we need modern music Mr. Schue" I replied "I'm sorry guys, we don't have time to discuss this, we are doing this song this Friday at the pep assembly" Mr. Schue replied "In front of the whole school?!" Tina said in an outraged tone "They're gonna throw fruit at us, and I just got a facial." Kurt spoke "I'll press charges if that happens." Rachel replied "Guy's, I can't express to you how important this assembly is, we need recruits, there are seven of you, we need twelve to qualify for regionals, we have no choice or the club is over. I know you guy's don't like this song but we took nationals back in 93' with this song, it's a crowd pleaser, trust me" Mr. Schue said. I looked at Finn with fear in my eyes "We're dead" we said in sync.

When I exited the school with Finn to go home I noticed that Quinn and Austin where talking, which I thought was strange because I didn't even know they where friends. I brushed it off before heading to my car because I drove today. "Hey Molly, I'm going to Puck's house for a bit, I'll be home a bit later,can you tell Mom for me?" Finn asked walking towards Puck who was smirking at me "Yeah no problem, I'll see you later." I said smiling as he walked off. Once I got home I put my bag on the counter "Mom, I'm home" I yelled. Mom came walking downstairs and gave me a hug "Where's Finn?" she asked while putting an ear ring in her ear "He went to Puckerman's house, he'll be home a bit later." I replied getting myself a glass of delicious orange juice "Okay, thanks for telling me, also I'm going to be working late tonight so just order a pizza, I left the money on the counter, bye I love you." She smiled and kissed me on the cheek before leaving the house to go to work. Once I finished my juice I deiced to get into my pajamas because I'm home alone anyway, so I put on my red checked short shorts and a grey tank top, I also took out my contact lenses and put my glasses on as well as putting my hair up in a messy bun before going into the lounge room and putting on The Avengers which is one of my favorite movies. About halfway through the movie Finn and Puck walked in, I quickly covered my face with a pillow before Puck saw me with my glasses on. No one has seen me wearing my glasses apart from Finn, not even Austin or any of the cheerios. "FINN! Why didn't you tell me Puck was coming back with you?!" I asked panicking slightly "Calm down Molly, I don't think Puck will care about your glasses, just shut up and let us watch the movie with you. I slowly moved the pillow from my face and looked at Puck seeing him with that stupid smirk again. "I'm, going to make popcorn." I quickly say before running to the kitchen and looking in the cupboards for the popcorn. Once I finally found it, I noticed it was up the top of the cupboard so I stood on my tippy toes to try and reach it but still couldn't. "Nice ass" Puck said making me turn around and notice him standing in the doorway "How long have you been there?" I asked "Pretty much the whole time, cute pajamas by the way." He said winking at me. I rolled my eyes before saying "Can you quit being a perv, I have a boyfriend that just so happens to be one of your best friends." "Yeah I know, I also know that he isn't good for you, he's a bad person Molly and if you don't want to get hurt I's suggest breaking up with him." Puck replied stepping closer "What's that supposed to mean Puckerman, you can't accuse Austin of being a bad person when you throw people in dumpsters and slushy people everyday" I reply placing my hand on my hip. Puck walked closer, pressing his chest against mine "I know that, but you should just trust me on this." he said before lifting his hand and passing me the popcorn, I take it from his hand and step back a bit. "By the way, you look sexy with glasses" he said licking his lips before leaving the kitchen and going back to the lounge room. "What the hell just happened?" I whispered to myself before making the popcorn and returning to the lounge room.

The Player (Noah Puckerman) Glee FanficWhere stories live. Discover now