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Quinn, Santana and Britney have been in New Directions for two days now and I can honestly say that I am loving having them around all the time. The only bad thing is that they tricked Rachel into thinking that we need Dakota Stanley (a dance instructor) to win any competition and that Mr. Schuester isn't a good enough dance teacher. Right now we are in the middle of a dance lesson from Mr. Schue and Rachel is about to say something, I can just tell by the look on her face and the looks that the cheerio girls are giving her. "Can we stop please?" Rachel asked "Oh here we go" I mutter to myself "You don't have to ask me for permission to go to the bathroom Rachel, you can just go" Mr. Schue said smiling "It's not my bladder, it's the choreography" Rachel replied "Okay, what's wrong with the choreography?" Mr. Schue asked sounding a little bit disappointed "We can't compete with Vocal Adrenalin with these steps, you're a great vocal coach Mr. Schue but you're not a trained choreographer, that's what we need to be the best, we need Dakota Stanley he was an understudy for the candle in Beauty and the Beast on Broadway." Rachel replied "Just because he understudied, doesn't mean he actually performed." Mr. Schue said "Did you ever perform Mr. Schuester? After high school, did you even try?" Quinn sassed making Mr. Schue feel bad about himself. "I wanted too, things just changed for me guys, let's just continue with the number and we will talk about this later." Mr. Schue replied.

At lunch I walked into the cafeteria and sat with the jocks and cheerleaders, I took a seat in between Austin and Puck. "Hey babe." Austin smiled giving me a deep kiss "Babe, don't make out with me in front of everyone, it's rude." I said to him before taking a bite out of my sandwich. "I can kiss you whenever I fucking want, you're my girlfriend." Austin said getting angry "Just because I am your girlfriend doesn't mean you own me, you know what Austin you have been a real asshole to me lately and if you keep it up I don't know how much longer this relationship is going to last." I said before standing up and leaving the cafeteria. I made my way to the bleachers and sat down as a single tear fell from my eye "Hey" I quickly wiped away the tear before looking up and seeing Puck nervously smiling at me "Shouldn't you be fucking Santana behind the bushes or something?" I asked in a rude tone as he sat down next to me "Wow hey, I just wanted to see if you where okay, but if you are just going to attack me, then i'll leave." Puck said standing up "No wait, I'm sorry, just having a bad day." I replied to Puck grabbing his hand and making him sit back down. "So do you want to talk about it?" Puck asked while still holding my hand "I don't know what's going on with my life, last week I had it all, one of the most popular girl's in school, a boyfriend who loved me and trustworthy friends. Now everything has changed and I don't know what to do." I said spilling all my emotions out to Puck "What do you mean a boy who loved me and trustworthy friends?" Puck asked rubbing his thumb against the back of my hand while holding it "Well Austin has been so distant with me all week and isn't paying any attention to me and I also feel like Quinn is keeping something from me and she has also been distant. I just feel like everyone has changed this week, even you." I said looking up at Puck "How have I changed?" Puck asked looking in my eyes "You have been a lot more caring towards me and you haven't been your slutty self and jumping into every girls pants like you usually do." I said laughing softly "What if I told you I have changed this week for a reason?" Puck replied "And what reason would that be?" I asked "The truth is that I have changed this week because I have realized that I am really into you Molly, I don't know what it is about you but you make me want to be a better person and I want to be with you." Puck said leaning in slowly. Just as we where about to kiss I turned my face to the side "I can't do this the Austin Puck, I also don't know if I trust you or if you are just trying to get in my pants" I said sadly "How can I get you to trust me that I'm not lying and that I'm better for you than Austin?" he asked looking in my eyes "You're going to have to figure that one out by yourself big boy" I laughed giving him a kiss on the cheek before walking to glee club.

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