Where Did You Go? Why are we Seperated?

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We fight side by side,

fighting away each other's fears.

Once they're gone,

we hold onto each other

walking forward into the unknown.

The next battle arises,

and we stand back to back.

You fight away all that threatens me,

and I fight away all that threatens you.

But sometimes something slips through,

and one of us has to fight alone for awhile.


the battle is over.

I smile and turn around,

only to find your gone.

I look around frantically,

but I only see the dense fog.

I call out to you,

waiting for your reply.

There's only the sound of my voice,

echoing back to me.

I start walking,

looking and yelling for you.

I don't see the lake

until it's to late.

I go under,

my only thoughts:

'Where are you!?

Where is my other half!?

Why are we seperated?!

Why am I alone!?'

I fight for the surface,

but it's like I'm being held down.

I fight to get up there,

to find you.

All I can hope is

that your safe.

I fight for you,

hoping to get up there to protect you.

Are you as alone as I am?

Are you able to fend for yourself?

Aparently I'm useless

without my other half....

That's all I'll ever be,

alone and useless.

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