I'm Sorry! I'm Broken!

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  • Dedicated to my big "brother" E. Jesse!

I'm sorry for hurting you,

your my best friend and I love you!

I really do,

but I don't want to be

the one who hurts you like that.

I know you'll make someone

so happy,

and I wish it were me,

but I'm broken

and I don't want to hurt you

with my sharp edges...

I want you to be happy,

and I know it hurts you that

I don't want you in that way,

but I CAN'T hurt you.

I'm so sorry

that I'm so broken

and can't be with you

without the fear of hurting you.

I hope you read this,

I hope you understand,

I hope you will still be my big brother.

I'm so very broken,

and I know your broken too,

but you haven't been hurt like I have.

Trusting someone to hold your heart,

hold it close and hold it tight,

only to have them drop it or throw it.

Everytime you tell me I'm beautiful,

everytime you tell me how much you like me,

everytime you tell me you wish you could ask me out,

I try to pull away to protect you

from the sharp edges of my broken heart.

I will hold you close,

and not let go of you,

I will protect you from being hurt

by myself and others.

I really hope you understand,

I really hope you won't be hurt

when you read this poem.

I know you will,

for you promised you'd

read all my poems

to understand the real me

that I keep hidden.

The one that has been cut,

and hurt,

and ruined by the sharp edges

of this broken heart.

Please understand,

please don't leave me.


oh please.

If life will just let me have

one person who I know will

always care about me,

then maybe I can survive.

I love you,

really I do.

But if I let you in any deeper,

then my past will repeat itself.

I won't let that happen,

not with you.

It will only hurt you,

and it will hurt me.

I can not let that happen,

ever again!

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