2|15: The Hangover.

Start from the beginning

Guilt enters my body as I don't like either of my parents to be disappointed in me. I instantly regret letting Joey sleep in here but come on people, we didn't actually do anything together. We only slept next to each other but I guess that my parents don't know that. I do hope she won't tell my Dad about this as he won't Joey near me again in fear of me getting pregnant I guess.

"Oh well you see Joey and I needed to look after Piper together as it is a joint project and he just fell asleep in my bed and I can't lift him and take him down now can I?" I ask my Mom, frowning at her.

Rubbing my eyes, I wait for a response off her. "Well no you but you know mine and your Dad's rules, they are there for your safety and you may not like them but oh well. You and Alfie were a miracle but it was really hard for us to cope with you two and continue our life. Also it only took one time to get pregnant and I don't want to see you two go through what we went through." My Mother informs me, whispering it to me and I just sigh.

Yeah I know what she means but I won't do it, she needs to put more faith in me. "Okay Mom. Yeah Mom. It is too early in the morning, have a good trip and I want to sleep." I say to my Mother, lying back next to Joey. I am too tired to argue with my Mother as it is too early in the morning.

She wriggles her finger at me and the door opens, my Dad pops his head around the door, scanning the room, I guess he is looking for my Mother. He spots my Mother and says to her, "Darling we need to go now as the taxi is here. Hurry up. You will wake her up in a minute, come on!" He informs my Mother, not noticing that I am awake as I am lying down again.

My Mother nods her head at my Dad and gets up from my bed. Relief rushes through my body as my Dad thinks I am asleep and luckily he hasn't noticed that Joey is in here with, sleeping next to me but my Mom knows. Hopefully she would have forgotten about it by the time she comes back home from her trip.

"Coming." He says to my Dad and whips her head around to face me, "We will be speaking about this when I get back." She speaks, walking out of my room.

Sighing, I wrap my arms back around Joey's torso and try and get back to sleep. Wow, Joey must be a heavy sleeper as he has been asleep the whole time while my Mother and I have been speaking but I am glad he has been asleep as it would be so awkward if he woke up in the middle of my Mother speaking to me.


"So what shall we get then?" Allie asks me as we enter Sainsbury's. Allie, Joey, Rachel, Alfie and Cole. Adrian, Anthony and Rebecca are at home while we are out shopping for items for tonight. We were going to get pizza but there was only two of us who wanted pizza so we all voted and came to a conclusion that we would get loads of different foods and we can pick and choose what we want to eat. As we will put all the foods into the middle of the table and pick what we want from the middle of the table.

Biting my lip, I grab a trolley and pull it out of the bay with one hand as I have my camera on a small tripod in my other hand. I place the camera into the baby section as the rest of the gang place the plastic dolls into the twin gaps, the plastic dolls are smaller than actually babies. They are currently asleep at the moment, they sleep in the day and wake up in the date, typically. "Erm I think pizza, pasta, chicken, Mexican nachos. Well that is what I can think of. Can you think of anything else then?" I ask her, wheeling it back over to the others. I throw everyone a smile and give Joey a kiss on his cheek.

"Guys we are going to have a feast tonight." I say to the camera and walk into the first isle – the fruit and vegetable isle. The others are trailing behind me, talking amongst themselves.

"We don't need to go down that isle, we probably don't need fruit or vegetables. We are only getting food for tonight and tomorrow as the rest of the food is coming tomorrow morning." Alfie informs me, grabbing the trolley from my grasp, he tries to steer it away from me but I give him a push and let out a growl. No one is touching my trolley!

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