"Y... You starved me to see if I was lying!?" He wheezed. Mitch shrugged.

"You can't really trust anyone nowadays can you?" He pointed out. "I had to do something anyways..."

"Do what?" Adam asked weakly. Mitch gave no answer, turning his back and heading to the other side of the hollow. "Hey!" Adam tried to stand up but fell, weak. "What the hell is going on!?" He demanded hoarsely, swallowing dryly. "How-how bad is it out there?" Mitch turned to glance back at Adam.

"... Not good," he mumbled, brushing past the fallen human. Adam struggled to sit up as Mitch boldly walked out across the branch once more. "I'm gonna go get some food," he called back quietly, then took off in a whirl of feathers. Adam closed his tired eyes and rested his head back, breathing heavily to try to keep calm. Mitch seemed very different than he remembered...

"I'm staying here with him," Ty murmured, keeping an eye on Adam's still form. "Go on back to sleep Harvey." Harvey stretched his legs out, stifling a yawn.

"I couldn't sleep. None of us really can anyways, despite being tired. One of the side effects of being a giant I suppose," he mumbled drowsily. Ty huffed softly in agreement, and he slowly laid back to hold Adam to his chest. The human stirred and mumbled something incoherent, lightly gripping his white tee and nuzzling the warm surface he lay on. Ardor made Ty's heart flutter, and he rumbled a soft purr, feeling protective of his little human friend. Harvey said nothing, knowing better than to ruin the moment, especially when he had nothing to say; just watching was enough. Witnessing the rare bond between a giant and a human-- even if they were friends before the Giant Apocalypse-- it was so extraordinary, for Adam to just completely trust Ty enough to lay on his chest, right over his heart, to trust him with his life... But Harvey supposed that giants being quite warm was a helpful plus.

He sighed softly and leaned back against the wall as Ty continued to purr soothingly, using his thumb to gently stroke Adam's back. Adam smiled a little in his sleep, stretching before curling up and turning over on his side, pressing himself against the living heater he rested on.

Then Adam suddenly frowned in his sleep and stirred awake.

"Who's making all of that noise?" He grumbled sleepily. Ty frowned.

"What noise?" He murmured, confused. He knew Adam had better hearing, but he didn't understand what was wrong.

"That thumping sound... it almost sounds like footsteps--" there was a sudden crunch of wood as the two giants heard something break from the living room, and Harvey tensed.

"... Ty, stay with Adam. Keep him safe." Harvey slowly got up and tiptoed to the hallway, peering before entering. Ty sat up and tucked his knees to his chest, keeping Adam secured and hidden from the world.

"What are you doing here!?" Harvey's muffled voice came from the other room. "No, get out--!" There was a harsh smacking sound and them a thump, and Adam jumped with a muffled squeak, pressing against Ty's midsection desperately.

"He's here," he whispered. "He's here, he's here..." It took Ty a moment to figure out what Adam meant before he paled in realization.

Martin was here.

He slunk to the floor and gently pried Adam off of his shirt, setting him down and nudging him far under the bed. Adam stared back fearfully, grabbing the tip of Ty's index finger, but Ty gazed back calmly, assuring that everything was going to be ok. Adam swallowed apprehensively and whimpered, hugging Ty's finger before scampering under the bed as footsteps came to the door. Ty took a deep breath and stood up, calling out, "Harvey? Everything ok?" The footsteps stopped. Then the door slowly opened.

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