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missed you at work today,
kiddo. where were you?

butthole bettany
set was awfully quiet today
without Poppy.

father renner
none of you can crack a
joke like poppy does

lightning mcqueen
I missed my Popsicle!

sweetheart seb
she hasn't answered any
of my texts the past two days.
has anyone talked to her?

mama scarjo
Lizzie said she just needs
some space. family problems
or something.

meatball chris 😇 removed poppy seed from the conversation.

meatball chris 😇
she's flying back to Rhode
Island, guys.

hems(not)worth it
what??? why?

baby liz
how do you know?

big mack
what happened? did you
break her heart? how dare
you, Chris, we were rooting
for you.

meatball chris 😇
she didn't wanna tell you guys
just yet, but her dad died. it was
unexpected; her mom hadn't told
her that he was in the hospital for
the last few days.

sweetheart seb
oh no. how is she?

mama scarjo
poor poppy, is she going to
come back to set eventually?

meatball chris 😇
she wants to, but she's gonna be
back home for at least a week.

baby liz
when did she find out?

meatball chris 😇
we were hanging out and she
got a text from an old friend
from back home saying she
was sorry for her loss.

she found out through a text?

sweetheart seb
and from someone that's not
even family?

meatball chris 😇
her mom hadn't had time to call
her earlier that morning.

big mack
this is awful.
she doesn't deserve this.

hems(not)worth it
have you talked to her recently?

meatball chris 😇
I saw her this morning while she
was packing. I'm not sure if
she's flying out tonight or

father renner
give her hugs from me

baby liz
if you talk to her, tell her I love her.

big mack
give babygirl a hug for me

hems(not)worth it
me too

tell her we love her

tell her to call me if she needs

butthole bettany
same here

meatball chris 😇
will do, guys, but I'm not sure if
she really feels up to talking to me.

big mack
I'm sure you'd be surprised

sweetheart seb
I hope she's okay. I can't believe

meatball chris 😇
oh, she just texted me.
I'll see you guys at work tomorrow.

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