He leaned forward a little, "What did the two men who were watching you earlier look like, Cassandra?"

I didn't expect this question of all the ones he could have asked and my heart started racing, I thought back to them moving across the car park.

"Erm, they were a few feet away but I think... they were wearing long, dark green coats and grey trousers, from what I could make out. One had dark hair and the other had light- maybe blonde hair, they were both watching me but the brown haired one seemed to be staring right into my eyes. It was scary and eerie, when they started moving closer I panicked..."

I shivered at the thought that they could have been there to hurt me, I'm good at defending myself. My dad trained me for years at his gym but I doubt I could have taken them both on.

Emy interrupted my thoughts then, "Wait a second! I've seen two guys like that before." Her eyes were wide. "I was on a break at work and went to get us a sandwich from the shop down the road. It was that day the cafe was out of chicken, I mean what kind of cafe runs-"

"Emy!" I interrupted her this time, knowing she'd go completely off topic if I didn't. "Back to the original story please."

I sighed and waited for her to go on, wondering why she had never told me about this.

"Sorry, where was I? Oh yeah, I went to the shop and when I came back out, I dropped my bag. I stooped down to get it, when I stood back up I looked around and saw two guys looking at me, literally following my every movement. One dark haired, one blonde, with green coats on and everything."

She finished and took a drink of her hot chocolate.

"Why didn't you tell me about this?" I asked disapprovingly, she was generally pretty forgetful but this was important.

"I did tell you, I came back to work, gave you your sandwich and said that I thought two guys were checking me out."

She blushed and glanced towards Mr Park, who was either feigning ignorance or was deep in thought.

I suddenly remembered the conversation because she did the exact same thing, blushed and glanced around to see if anyone had heard her. It wasn't a subject either of us felt comfortable talking to anyone else about.

"Yeah I remember, but now we know that's not what they were doing. Oh crap, anything could have happened. That has to mean they've been following us, didn't you find it all a bit suspicious?"

"No because I don't jump to thinking the worst about people I don't know, like you do, Cass. They could easily have been ordinary guys like I thought at the time, there was nothing weird about them except the staring." She was glaring into her cup now and I could tell I'd annoyed her.

"I know, and I know I'm always going on about being cautious but I just don't want anything bad to happen to you."

She raised a brow and I knew I sounded overly dramatic, I immediately felt bad and leaned into her.

"Anyway, if this is all true then I had good reason to be cautious and suspicious over the years, right, Mr Park?"

We looked over at him and he was entirely lost in thought, absentmindedly playing with the lizards front leg.

"Merkell?" Emy tried after the minutes lingered on in silence, she shrugged at my questioning look. "If he wants us to call him that then it's his choice, it doesn't do any harm really."

She had a point, we turned to him again.

"Merkell?" Emy said a little louder and she managed to disturb him from his thoughts.

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