Things Girls Do That Guys Hate

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Some of the most irritating things that girls do all put together is one very unorganized master list. Before I even start this, I am by no means trying to be mean and don't feel bad if you do any of the following things because literally 99% of girls do too and chances are the things we hate about you we also love the most.

Numero Uno: I feel like I repeat this one a lot but that just emphasizes how important it is. Do not cake your face with make up. It is not attractive and definitely not good for your skin. A little bit of make up when you're out with friends is completely ok, knock yourself out with that, but I much prefer a girl who doesn't rely on make up to feel good about herself. That's my job so naturally I dislike make up.

Numero Dos: When a girl is two-faced. You all know what I mean. If a girl acts all buddy buddy with someone and then as soon as they walk away start bitching about how much they don't like them. Likewise if your with your girl friends and you're acting fine but then you hang out with me and my friends and you act the complete opposite. That's not cool dude.

Numero Tres: When you take a picture of yourself or someone else does and you say you look like shit. You literally don't. You look just as beautiful in any of your profile pictures as the one you just took. In fact, you look even better because it doesn't look like you're trying to be pretty you just are.

Numero Cuatro: When you try too hard to fit in. Being popular and cool means literally nothing once you graduate. Take it from me. I was the loser emo throughout all of high school and now most the the kids in my grade are working at MacDonalds and Burger King. In the end I'm the one in university with my life more or less figured out.

Numero Cinco: Dressing slutty is not cool. Cover your junk girls, the only people that actually want to see that in public are pedophiles and douche bags. 

Like every other chapter there are about a million things I could put here but I'll leave it at that. Thank for reading and such, and please, if you have like 10 seconds to spare click this link ( so my best friend can have a chance to meet her idols :) Thanks.

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