Turn On's And Turn Off's

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As requested by a couple of you via messaging here is turn offs and turn ons and just generally what I look for IN A GIRL. I feel like I should mention this because I am in fact pansexual hahah oops ;) So please vote and let me know what you think, also, leave a comment giving me ideas for future chapters. 

Turn on's:

Eyes. I say this very loosely because it doesn't particularly matter what colour per say, but if you have really unusual eyes or eyes that stand out a great deal I'm probably already in love with you.

A sense of humour. I am a very sarcastic person so someone who understands what I'm saying is crutial. I also have a very crude sense of humour so you need to be ok with terribly sexual jokes and lots of cussing. 

Smart and independent. I like someone who I can have a good conversation with. And I don't mean "Oh the wheather's nice today." or some shit like that. I like a girl how can get really deep and intellectual. I say independent as in you don't need me but you want me. You aren't reliant on me for something to do or whatever but you love me and you want to be with me. I realize how silly that sounds but bare with me please.

Good music taste. And by good I mean the same as me. Everyone has different music that they like and I understand that all I ask is you don't make a big deal out of liking different things. 

You must like to cuddle. This is key for any relationship I am included in. I want to be able to hold you close to me and show you how much you mean to me. I've very big on words and will probably tell you daily how amazing you are but sometimes I'd just rather show you.

If you are musical in anyway (singing, guitar, piano...etc.) I will be attracted to you, it's just how it works.

**Please note that if some of these things don't apply to you I will not love you any less. I will love you just as much as someone who has all of these things.**

Turn off's:

Bad spelling or grammar freaks me out. I come from a family of very successful people and I am very much used to living with doctors, dentists, and scientists (literally) so someone with bad spelling often makes me cringe. 

If you're fake. I mentioned this in the last chapter but I seriously cannot stress this enough. Be real with me, don't pretend you like something so I'll like you and don't cake your face with makeup because believe it or not, that is being fake.

You are constantly on your phone, laptop, reading your girly magazines...etc. I like to talk to my partner and I very much am a fan of the outdoors. I like to camp and hike and I would love to do these kinds of things with my significant other. Now I'm not gunna lie, I spend my fair share of time on tumblr and other various Internet things but if you are always doing these things then I will eternally cringe but very politely to get off your lazy ass and do something with me.

Surprisingly enough I can think of more good things than bad. 

Please don't feel bad if you aren't perfect as I'm sure there isn't anyone on this planet, or any other for that matter, that would fill every category that I like and substitutions are a necessity of life. Once again, let me know down below what you thought and suggest things for future chapters. 

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