Surprise [MiyeonxJinhyeong]

21 4 0

Balloons. Check.
Banner. Check.
Ambience. Check.
Lightings. Check.

Cake? Miyeon looked up from the checklist with a horrid look on her face. Of all the things she could forget, it just had to be the cake. There was only an hour left before Jinhyeong arrives at his pad from training. Miyeon was busy preparing the decorations that she forgot to buy the cake and now there was barely enough time. She took out her phone and keyed in the nearest cake shop. The closest one was 20 minutes away from her boyfriend's pad, 10 if she ran fast enough. 

She ran towards the door, slipping on her shoes and zooming out of the apartment. As she reached the sidewalk, she ran at top speed to get to the cake shop, nearly bumping into people who suddenly stopped in the middle of the sidewalk. She saw people scowling at her but she didn't have enough time to explain her case. She heard her phone receive a message but she didn't have the luxury to read it. Probably her friends asking her how the surprise was going. She stopped on her tracks when she reached the street that she had to cross to get to the cake shop. The sign was still red and she was tempted to run over to the other side, but if she died right now what would happen to her surprise? So she waited.

As soon as the light turned green, she sprinted towards the cake shop. The line inside the cake shop was decent if it was a normal day, but being time-constrained was a different thing. She stared at her handphone and hoped that time would slow down for a bit. After what seemed to be an eternity, but was really about 15 minutes, she was finally in front of the cashier. By now, her mind already had its own personal timer. The transaction took 5 minutes. 

She hurriedly went back to the apartment, but this time she wasn't running. She wasn't risking anything. The last thing she needs is an ugly looking cake. She arrived at exactly 5:00PM. She placed the cake on the table and checked her phone for messages. There was one from Jinhyeong saying that he would be arriving soon and as if on cue, the door clicked open. Miyeon hurriedly lit the candles and stood behind it, waiting for Jinhyeong to enter the kitchen.

"Saeng-il Chukhahamnida~ Saeng-il Chukhahamnida~" Miyeon began singing as Jinhyeong came into view. "Saranghaneun Jinhyeongie~ Saeng-il Chukhahamnida~" Jinhyeong had a wide smile plastered on his face. 

"Make a wish, Jagi." Miyeon told him. He obediently closed his eyes and blew the candles. Miyeon placed the cake down on the table and tackled Jinhyeong with a hug. "Happy Birthday, Jagiya." she told him. 

Jinhyeong wrapped his arms around Miyeon's waist and pulled her closer. "I thought my last birthday was already the best, turns out you had another trick up your sleeve." said Jinhyeong. 

"Did you like the surprise?" Miyeon asked, hoping to get praised by his boyfriend for a job well done. He nodded and told her that he loved it. "Now for your present. Close your eyes." Jinhyeong did as he was told. Miyeon leaned in and planted a kiss on Jinhyeong's lips. 

"Strawberry flavored, my type." Jinhyeong smirked before leaning in for another kiss.

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⏰ Poslední aktualizace: May 21, 2016 ⏰

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