"I'll clean it for you,"Niall said, watching as Liam nodded and lifted himself on to the countertop of the bathroom.The blonde reached for rubbing alcohol and a gauze.Dabbing the wound that grazed his knuckles."Can you explain to me what happened?"m

"Matt made me think you were in trouble or something, then wanted to fight because I 'stole you away' or some shit."Liam raised his other hand to quotients.

"He's so gross, I'm sorry you had to fight him."Niall said sadly, not knowing Liam still wanted to go to Matt and keep going at it.

He ruined his life, it's terrifying how much control he had over his life.Matt revealed the secret he wanted to keep and now he was living with his boyfriend.As much as he was happy being with Niall, it wasn't home.He was homeless.

"You okay?"

"Yeah "Liam nodded, I think I'm going to take a nap."

"I don't think that's the best idea, he probably hit you in the head and sleeping afterwards isn't good."Niall replied.

"Then I'm going to Zayn's, they're probably waiting for me to tell them about the fight."

"Do you want me to go?"

"No it's fine."


As Liam walked into Zayn's house, he walked up the stairs.Opening the door to see a naked Harry and Zayn.

Liam screamed, shutting the door quickly.He saw full penis and he needed to leave.Before he could run down the pair of stairs, the door swung open.Revealing two blushing boys.

"Im just gonna leave and gonna let you do you."Liam slowly backed away.

"No stay,"Zayn sighed, "Harry has to go back home and you look like you need to talk to someone."

Harry nodded, waving to his boyfriend and his friend before walking himself out.

"So what happened ?" Zayn led Liam to his room, both sitting on his bed."I heard you got into a fight."

"Yeah, I think I'm suspended but I left before they could say something."Liam shrugged, getting some strawberries that were sitting on Zayn's night stand.

"I-I don't think you wanna eat that."

Liam's face turned disgusted as he spit out the content into the trash."Yall are gross."

"Anyways, why did you fight?"

"It was a dumb reason but now I know who sent my parents those pictures"

"That's horrible-"

The door swung open to reveal Colin, who stared worryingly at Liam."Um Christian told me the truth."

"When? Before or after you hit me?"Liam snapped, shaking his head as he looked at his old friend.

"I'm sorry, I just thought-"

"You confided in a girl who you've know for less than a year."

"Dude, I didn't mean to.You know if Niall-"

"Don't bring him into this!"Liam shouted, his face turning bright red.

Zayn who sat there awkwardly, spoke up "Colin, I think it's best to leave us alone for now."

Colin was about to protest but when he looked at Liam, he shook his head and slammed the door shut.


"No problem."


Niall sighed, he was walking around the park with Harry as they enjoyed the cool summer-ish breeze.

"I love him,Harry.I really do but I feel as if I'm putting more pressure on his life."

Harry pondered for a little "What do you mean?"

"If I would have trusted Liam about Matt, he would still be with his parents living a much simpler life"

"Niall, his parents are homophobic.It was bound to happen."

"We're children, Harry!What is he gonna do if we break up? It's sad that I think about this but-"

"Niall, listen to me.Talk to Liam about this because I'm not the one to
solve this out with."

"I know."


This book is almost done guys 😫



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