Chapter 10

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Namjoon pov

"Namjoon ah, you're not really focusing on the preparation for our comeback these days. Is there something bothering you?" Jin hyung asked.

"No, I'm okay. Just slowly losing focus," I shrugged him off.

"You have been saying that every time we asked you what's wrong. Look, we need to put in a lot of effort in this comeback. You can't continue spacing out like this." Jin hyung was right. I need to get her out of my mind.

"I'm a hyung. 2 years older than you. You can trust me. Tell me what's going on,"

"Actually, I've been feeling frustrated lately. I wanted to confess to Namjung but someone else did it first. I accepted it and didn't show my feelings. But when I saw them going on a date the other day, I saw Jinho pouring an unknown powder in her coffee cup. I tried telling her but she slapped me. Why would she trust a guy she just met more than me?!"

"Hmm... it's really hard because she doesn't believe you. How are you gonna deal with this? Because if I were to give advice, I would try to advice her again but if she still doesn't want to listen, I'll just wait until she gets hurt by him, emotionally, and then I'll be like 'I told you so'," I laughed a little bit at Jin hyung's advice.

"Really hyung? I kind of agree with you but I don't want her to be hurt really bad. Physically or emotionally. I'll just take care of her secretly."

"It would hurt you Namjoon. I'm worried about you. I don't want you to get depressed over a girl,"

"I'm okay hyung. I'll deal with it myself. Don't worry about me. And I'll make extra effort for our upcoming comeback."

"I'll try asking Jina. Maybe she could help by talking Namjung out of it. And by putting extra effort, it doesn't mean overworking yourself,"

"I know hyung. Thank you for your time. I'm gonna head home first," I smiled at him and made my way.

"Okay, just act like you don't care. You don't need to say sorry. Namjung is the one who should thank you." I told myself.

I took a deep breath before entering the house. I went up to Namjung's room.

"Namjung ah, what are you doing?"

"Can't you see? I'm packing my things up."

"But why? Where are you going?"

"I'm gonna move out of this house. I'm moving in with Jinho." She continued packing her things.

"Wait what? You are going to move in with someone you literally just met?"

"Look who's talking. I moved in with you too eventhough we kind of just met."

"When you moved in with me, we knew each other for 6 months. Half a year. Now we have been friends for almost 2 and a half. How can you compare our friendship with that bastard?" I said half-shouting.

"You punched him for no reason and now you're calling him a bastard? Really Namjoon?"

I realised that this fight could just go on and on. She wouldn't believe me. What can I do? But, I would rather have her by my side, dating that bastard, then her leaving me for good. I sighed.

"Please don't leave. I'm sorry okay? Can we just be friends all over again? You can still date him, just don't leave."

"So, you're saying you want me to stay here and date him?"

NO, Namjung. JUST NO. Not with that bastard. "Yeah..." I hesitated.

"Fine..." Namjung finally gave in.

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