Meeting The Mastermind

Start from the beginning

Zach's hand is still attached, but doesn't look like he should be flailing it around. Kaitlyn runs to him and pulls some bandages out for his hand. I have no clue where she got those, but I wish I grabbed some.

I walk over to the short guy with 4 arms as he lies on the floor panting, but now conscious.

"Where's your boss at?" I ask him.

"Why the hell would I tell you anything?" He says as he spits blood on the floor in front of me.

"You should probably tell me. You should also know that you're only alive because we kept you that way, so if you'd like that to change, then go ahead and stay quiet" I say to him, now more confident, yet, kinda scared of myself.

He says nothing and glares at me, so I turn and bring a bloody knife to rest in my hand.

"You sure you're not gonna talk? Because honestly, I don't wanna do this. I really, really don't" I say, giving him one more chance.

But once again, he says nothing. I lift the knife above my head and he starts laughing. As I go to stab the man, a hand on my shoulder stops me. I turn and see a very tall man staring down at me. Behind him I see a short blonde girl holding an unconscious Kaitlyn and a black haired man holding Zach with his hand dripping blood.

"Who are you?! Kaitlyn! Zach! Guys, wake up!" I call out.

I turn back to the man on the ground quickly and I bring the knife right down into his chest. I look back around. The two people holding my friends are walking away, and the man in front of me has taken a few steps back. I stand up and face him.

"I know you're wondering who I am. All your questions will be answered, but first, I would like you to see something" he says right before throwing a bony hand on my head.

I see Mel and Clara running. No Kylee anywhere. There are a couple bodies on the floor, but they are silhouettes. Then the whole thing disappears and I'm back to where I had just been.

"What wa-" I say, but he interrupts.

"That was what is happening somewhere right now" he says.

Something comes over me and I bring the 3 knifes out of the man and jab all 3 into this guys back. He collapses, all the knives go in deeper when he hits the ground.

What was that? Should I even believe him? Oh no! Kylee, Kaitlyn, Clara, even Zach, maybe more, they all need help.

I run around the corner as fast as I can. A sound from behind me startles me, but it's just Kameron. He runs up next to me.

"The people up ahead have Kaitlyn and Zach. Let's get them" he says to me.

I agree quickly. I'm changed all of a sudden. I just realized that I'm ready to kill these people, and that I picked up two of the knives off the floor and put them in my belt.

When we turn the corner, we immediately catch sight of the captors. I hand Kameron a knife and prepare myself. Kameron dashes at the man holding Zach, stabs the man in the chest, and grabs Zach's s body while I launch a knife into the back of the blonde girls head. The blood gets everywhere, but luckily for Kaitlyn, Kameron laid Zach down and caught her before she hit the floor. Both enemies lie dead in a pool of blood.

As we stand staring at what we've done, Damon, Clara, Kylee, and Mel all turn the corner and find us. Damon runs over to me and Kylee runs over to our injured friends.

"Joel, we found the control room. Someone told us about it. Adam, and Jackson should be waiting for us there" he says to me quickly.

"Uh, guys. Kaitlyn's okay, but Zach, he's uh, gone. He's dead. I think the loss of blood combined with all the running was too much. I'm sorry" Kylee says to everyone.

Everyone gathers together and heads to the control that Damon told me about. When we reach the door, Adam and Jackson are there. Kameron lays Kaitlyn down. Kylee kneels down and heals Kaitlyn who stands up slowly.

"I just noticed, Howard is missing. Where'd he go?" I ask.

"He got killed" Damon says. That girl that we found you two had killed, has these powers that produce smoke that causes bad effects" he says.

"Such as?" I ask.

"Well it acted as a poison for Howard. He was fine one moment, then I look at him and he is holding his stomach and the smoke is all around him. He fell on the floor and when the two ran off we checked on him. He had blood coming from his mouth. Her powers were pretty scary" Damon explains.

"I guess I don't feel so horrible about putting a knife in her head then" I say.

Everyone glances at each other. We all agree that we're ready to go in.

There's that chapter! Hope everyone liked it! Sorry for anyone who doesn't like the gore, I don't really think it's that gross though. Please leave feedback. Byeee!

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